Fancy This Fridays 66 and Kassi’s Week 3!

WHOOT it’s Friday! 
Now THAT is something to be thankful for!! :)
So… have you been keeping track? 
Kayli is on . 
SO far I’ve linked up to and … 
So here’s my Week Three!!! 

PEOPLE, alive today, that I am thankful for… 
{Mind you, these aren’t ALL the people I’m thankful for… That list could go on for years… :)}

Wedding photo taken by Treehouse Photography
My Dad. It’s only fitting… His birthday is tomorrow, you know. :) 
Happy Birthday Dad!!! 
The man who loved ME first. MY first love. 
The man who taught me to ride a horse, throw a ball, drive a stick shift. 
Sat me down and gave me a pep talk when I was being a pansy on the basketball court. Sat me down and gave me a pep talk when I was wavering on what major to choose in college. Sat the hubs down and told him what for when he asked to marry his daughter. Yep, he’s pretty good at speeches. Thing is, he won’t do it unless whatever he has to say is important. SO it’s probably a good idea to listen. :) 

Engagement photo taken by Treehouse Photography
Then of course, my husband.
The man who approached my dad, who pretty much scared away any boy that looked in my direction… And asked him to marry me. The one person I want to tell any and everything to… The one person that could talk me and my sister into
My best friend. My one and only. 

Wedding photo taken by a friend
My Mom. She can hold her own in a room full of giggling girls toasting with cold Coors Light! She can make you feel better when you’re feeling absolutely miserable and you can’t see the good…. Mom will point it out. She will send you emails of things she saw online that might be fun to make and share on your blog… Then she’ll come up with because she’s actually where a good portion of your craftiness comes from… :)

Wedding photo taken by Treehouse Photography
Tracey, Megan, Kayli, The Hubs, Meghan, Charli, Kayce
My bridesmaids. I am blessed with the most AMAZING group of best friends. 
Each one of those ladies has played an important role at some specific point in my life, then stuck out the rest just for fun. You all know Kayli:) What I would do without that girl… Well, nothing probably. . :) 
I grew up down the road from Tracey. Learning to drive, basketball, we lived high school together. Megan has always been the hubs’ and my sidekick. There are no third wheels with us. Where we went, she went. Meghan Jo… She grew up with the hubs. If he hadn’t introduced us we would’ve found each other eventually. We’re too much alike. Miss Charli was my roommate my last semester of college. Girls nights. Shopping. Now she’s Kayli’s roommate. Kayce, also a college friend. Introduced her to hub’s best friend. Now they live a few streets over from us. Team ropings and nights out most weekends. 
Women that make my life better and will always be important to me. 

So… there you have it. My list of people, alive today, that I am thankful for. 
WHO are you thankful for? 
We have . :)

Until then, how about a little Fancy This Fridays
You know the rules. *wink*

Linking this here and here and .
AND to here for the first time! :)


  1. Ami w/AliLilly says:

    Such a sweet post Kassi! You have a wonderful family. This post really makes me smile! :) :) :)

  2. Jayme and Mendi says:

    Aw, such a great post! Looks like you are surrounded by great friends and family!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    Such a lovely post and what a beautiful family you have!

  4. An Irish Italian Blessing says:

    Love the post and the pics Kassi!! So sweet!

  5. Alli (and Tommy too!) says:

    Little Things visitor — love your flowers, what a bright & unique color scheme you picked and you are rocking it :)

  6. Kassi & Kayli,
    I love reading your stuff. It makes me want to be a better person/Mom. It’s great to read good stuff about yourself. You should put more stuff about your Mom. (just sayin’) Love you both bunches.
    An anonymous person!

    • :) Thanks Mom! I agree… perhaps we should put more stuff about our mom. She rocks… Just sayin’… :)

  7. Thanks so much for featuring my printable! You have no idea what that means to me…bless you both!

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