Bloggie Bestie – Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

Hey there dolls!
We’d like to introduce you to the lovely…

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs!!!

I’m over at her place sharing a brand new recipe, so it would rock if you popped over to her place to say hi when you’ve finished sharing some love with her here! :)

Here’s Amanda…


Right now while you’re reading this post I am on a much needed bloggy vacation. That means, if you head over to my blog you won’t really get to know me, so that’s a bit of a bummer. But you’re in luck, because I have some fabulous guest bloggers that you can get to know (and the ever-so-lovely Kassi is guest posting today at Royal Daughter Designs!) and you can always get to know me by perusing RDD (specifically my hello page and this coffee date from a few weeks ago!)

Since I’m on a blog break right now, I wanted to take a minute to share with you the importance of rest.

We in the blogging world tend to use the term “in real life” to describe the part of lives that happens on the other side of our computer screens and keyboards. But as it turns out, blogging is our real lives. The networking, the connections, the pictures and stories – that’s all a part of our real lives.

But that’s it: a part.

Unfortunately for me, I tend to let blogging and designing take over my life. And so it is vitally important for me to periodically take a step back to refresh and refocus on the rest of my life…the part that does not include blogging.

For me, resting from blogging happens every few months in the form of a vacation, of sorts, from blogging and (most) social media. (It’s true: you will see me while I’m on my blog break – I stay in touch with friends via twitter. That’s justified, right?!)

But resting from blogging may look different for you. It may mean that you step away from your computer on the weekends so you can focus on being present with your kids. Or maybe you turn off all electronics at 10:00 p.m. so you can unwind and get to bed at a reasonable hour.

The point is, please don’t underestimate how important it is to take time to rest, to step back from blogging and be present in the life you’ve been given. We have this one life to live, let’s not get so wrapped up in blogging that we forget to live.

Amanda is a Christian Lifestyle blogger who specializes in blog beautification. She and her husband, Mr. E., a minister & seminary professor, are enjoying the country life on 8 acres in Texas. She is a self-proclaimed animal lover, laundry procrastinator, sweet tea junkie, and high-heel hater. She blogs and specializes in blog beautification at Royal Daughter Designs. You can connect with Amanda on , , and instagram.


Thanks so much to Amanda for sharing with us today and for being the Bloggie Bestie this week! Even while on vacation!
Again, please share some love below and then visit her place at Royal Daughter Designs!

Have a lovely day dolls!!!


  1. I couldn’t agree more. Even if blogging is just a hobby it can easily take over. I’m guilty of being up late because I just can’t get off my computer. Then I always wonder why I’m so tired the next day 😉

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Exactly! I do all my blogging during the day, but it can definitely distract from other things I really ought to be doing!

  2. Oh, I tend to do the same thing, I let blogging rule and that needs to stop! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Same here! I tend to make it the main priority some days, when it should come second to actually living!

  3. Thank you so much for opening your blog to me! What a great virtual hostess you are! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      It is my pleasure!!! Thanks so much for sharing a great post with our readers!!!


  1. […] this post coming… I shared it over on Royal Daughter Designs last week! By the way, have you checked out her guest post yet? It’s a good one! Any who, Kayli was here a couple weekends ago and we, along with my SIL, […]

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