2014 Twenty Wishes Link Up & Giveaway

It’s FINALLY here!!! Time to link up and share your Twenty Wishes for 2014!!! You can read more on why we started this project back in 2013 here, but the gist is that life is too short. Too short to not really strive for those things you really wish to do or wish would happen. SO this year we’re all going to make a real effort to mark those wishes off our lists!

First you’ll write and then link up your list of Twenty Wishes here. In doing so you’re entered in this month’s giveaway! (There will be a new one each month.) Then you’ll work on those wishes throughout this year coming back here the last Wednesday of every month to link up and share your progress.

Here’s a button to add to your side bar to remind you to come back and link monthly, and to serve as a little encouragement to work on marking off your wishes!!

Truly Lovely


This year we are doing things a little differently. Mostly in an effort to be more organized than last year… But again, the link up will be the last Wednesday of every month. Each month one or two of our ten hostesses will offer a little something as a giveaway for those that link with us. So, allow me to introduce your hostesses for the 2014 Twenty Wishes project…

Kassi & Kayli @ Truly Lovely
Nay @ Coffee-N-Ink
Kate @ Life as I Know It


For this month’s giveaway Jessa of Life of a Sports Wife is giving away from her shop, !! We aren’t requiring you to follow anyone, the only mandatory entry is linking up to this party with your list of 20 wishes. BUT the more you do the more entries you’ll receive and I can personally promise you if you do follow, like, etc and of these awesome ladies you WILL NOT be disappointed!
So, link your wishes and enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter form below! The giveaway will end at midnight on February 12th. Can’t wait to see what you lovelies wish for!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Thanks again for allowing me to co-host this fun event. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone’s wishes for 2014

  2. What a great party!! I didn’t know that it was just for wishes, bummer. (Don’t want to clog you up with links that aren’t what you are looking for) Have a great party. Looking forward to linking up next week.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      No worries Kat!!! We would love to have you stop back by and link your wishes with us!!! :)

  3. Lucky #20! 😉

  4. Thanks for hosting the linkup this week! I can’t wait to check out some of these lovely blog posts :) Following you on facebook and google+!



  1. […] Hiya I’ve been really submerging myself in the blogging world and came across Twenty Wishes. It’s a another 2014 activity that really works on you as a person, with goals in mind. Just […]

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