All American Half Bathroom Giveaway!!!

Celebrate Independence Day 2014 with a new half bath!!! I know I would love to redo our guest bathroom, and one winner will get exactly that chance with the All American Half Bathroom Giveaway from   Change Your Bathroom, Inc.

Enter to win this All American Half Bathroom Giveaway from June 23-July 4.


All of the items are made in the USA. Hosted by Change Your Bathroom, Inc. Sponsored by DeltaAmerican StandardRayne Mirrors and National Builder Supply.


Scroll down to enter. One participant will win: A Delta Touch20 Faucet ($423.50), An American Standard Cadet Pro Toilet ($401), A handcrafted in America Silver Wide Mirror ($455), A Brownlee 2 light vanity fixture ($134), A Kohler wall mounted sink ($359.75), Hand cut glass tile from Change Your Bathroom for a back splash (230), A towel holder ($43) and a toilet paper holder ($63.65).
**Other finishes and models might be available.

A total value of $2,109.90


All American Giveaway

Change Your Bathroom specializes in designing and installing bathrooms. “Are you ready for a luxurious bathroom? We make sure you have the best finished product and best possible experience. Our name, Change Your Bathroom, reflects our passion and specialty…bathrooms.” They have their own proprietary products including: The Dust Defense Containment System (no dust in your house throughout the whole remodel process) and Splish Splash Shower Systems (a hidden curbless shower drain).

Rayne Mirrors is a family owned and operated business out of Southwest Missouri, United States. They manufacture hand crafted, Made in America, framed wall mirrors with a focus on detail and quality. “Our number one priority is customer satisfaction. Our family promises to value our customers and uphold our integrity while doing business with our clients”. They specialize in providing a drop ship program for online retailers for their full collection of wall mirrors.

National Builder Supply is a full-service ecommerce site (backed by an on-site warehouse and customer service team) offering low prices on products like toilets, faucets, sinks, and light fixtures. “we continue to grow and strengthen relationships with our customers, partners, and manufacturers. Each day our team strives to make our customers’ lives a little easier, delivering personalized service to contractors, plumbers, designers, and homeowners alike.” They are revolutionizing the traditional plumbing supply industry by providing extraordinary customer service through strong customer relationships, large inventory and customer focused technology.

A Change Your Bathroom Giveaway


A Picky Eater Diversion and $20 Amazon Giveaway

Hey there lovelies!! Today we have a special guest post from our girl, Steph of A Time for Seasons. She’s a banner ad sponsor on Truly Lovely this month! Today she’s talking about overcoming the dreaded picky eater! She’s also sharing a $20 Amazon Gift Card giveaway!!! Take it away Steph!!!


I am very blessed that I have never had a super picky eater. All 3 of my kids never turned down much food. Yea, my youngest, Little Lady (17 months), doesn’t care for raw broccoli, but that’s an intense texture and taste, so we will just try again later.  

I credit most of that to one of our household rules: “You eat what is fixed or you do without… Mom is not a short-order cook!“. Now like I said, my kids haven’t been SUPER picky eaters so this rule worked for us. There have never been any nutritional issues or worries, and I think Rosey Posey (now 11yr) is the only one who was stubborn enough to skip a meal. She only did it once and was happy when dinner time came after refusing lunch. There have been plenty of meals where someone didn’t like the food and was the last one to finish due to the procrastination of eating, but no one has ever really gone hungry.

When doing my meal planning I try to take into consideration the family’s preferences. Bubee (5 years) does not like spicy food. Since I don’t like it and Little Lady doesn’t need it, I really try to stay away from spicy food. Rosey Posey doesn’t like tomato soup, so the only time there is tomato soup is when I’m fixing grilled cheese. That way she still has something to eat.  I also love to get everyone’s feedback on dishes. When I fix something new I like to hear what they think, this way I can plan for next time.

My only boy, Bubee, eats ALL the time. Our family joke is we are not saving for college, we are saving for a food fund for his teen years. He is the youngest in his class (July Birthday) and the tallest. One of our doctors estimates he will be about 6’8″ when he’s full grown, so you can imagine what kind of food it takes to fuel that kind of growth. I keep a large supply of healthy snacks in the house.

About a month ago Bubee started not wanting ANYTHING I fixed for dinner. I was blind-sided! Getting him to eat was a battle every night and there were many times that 30 min after everyone else was done he was still staring at his plateful. He would always finish his dinner… eventually, but I was getting tired of the struggle.

Then one day while meal planning I had an idea: Let him plan the meals, then there was no way he could refuse to eat! Great idea, but I didn’t want pizza every night, so a compromise: If he eats his dinner each night without complaining, then once a week he gets to pick ANY normal meal for dinner (This way he can’t pick Ice Cream Sundaes or something like that). We chose Tuesday nights since that’s what works with our schedule.

I do all my grocery shopping on Mondays. So now, every Monday he ‘places his order’ for Tuesday nights. This keeps him from changing his mind 5 min before dinner and gives me enough time to plan and prepare. I have been so pleasantly surprised! Of course the first week he wanted pizza, so to make it fun we made a Snowman Pizza. After that it has been nice. One week he asked for breakfast for dinner; This means eggs, bacon, biscuits, and gravy. Another week he wanted fish.

It has been so wonderful! And through out the week usually a quick reminder of his Tuesday night privilege and he’s more than happy to finish dinner. Some nights, if he’s not thrilled with dinner, he will talk about his plans for that upcoming Tuesday night; but he always finishes his dinner now with minimal conflict!

It has been so successful that Thursday nights Rosey Posey gets to pick dinner. I like it because that’s two less dinners I have to plan each week. And with Rosey Posey being 11, some weeks she not only plans dinner, but prepares it too. This has been a great tool in teaching her some household management skills.

So now, dinner time has once again become a peaceful family gathering at the dinner table with plenty of joy, peace and love!

Steph Seibert is the WAH, homeschooling, mother of 3. After several years of missing seasonal activities, her family started making seasonal ‘bucket lists’. She posts about these adventures, crafts, DIYs, recipes and more at A Time for Seasons in hopes of helping other families get the most out of each season.



What a great idea, right!?! I’ll keep that in my idea bank for when my little miss is older! Thanks so much for sharing Steph!!

Now she has a $20 Amazon Gift Card to give away to one lucky Truly Lovely reader!! Enter below using the Rafflecopter form. The giveaway will close midnight on Tuesday, January 21st and the winner will be announced the next day! Thanks for entering and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Baby’s Firsts with Pampers and Giveaway!!

Disclosure: “This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.”


Pampers Logo

Our sweet little lady will be five months old on Friday. In these five months of her life so far we have celebrated a lot of firsts….

Klara's Firsts

From the top left corner, clockwise – Klara’s first Thanksgiving, her first trip to Hannigan Meadows, her first horseback ride with Daddy, her first Halloween. That’s not to mention the everyday firsts, things like her first smile, her first laugh, rolling over for the first time.

We just recently had one of my favorite firsts… Klara had her first taste of rice cereal. It was the very first time for her to eat from a spoon. We waited until her daddy got home from work so he could join us. We are both big food lovers so it was really exciting to be able to start Klara on solid foods. It will eventually lead to us sharing our love of food with our daughter. I can just picture fun restaurant outings, trying new recipes at home, etc!

Klara's First Food

As our girl grows it’s exciting to experience each new first. I am thrilled that as Klara keeps experiencing fun things for the first time she can continue to wear our favorite diaper brand, Pampers Swaddlers!

Pampers Swaddlers PackagingPampers Swaddlers are now available all the way through size 5!! To celebrate Swaddlers sizes 4 & 5, Pampers has 30 days of incredible giveaways and a grand prize of FREE Swaddlers diapers & wipes for a year going on right now!!!  Visit and enter to win daily prize bundles, plus the grand prize.

Pampers is also hosting a live Twitter party on December 5th at 9PM EST. To join click this link, Pampers Swaddlers Twitter Party,  and follow the hosts, @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers.

Prizes will be given away to participants of the twitter party and will include:

3- Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs, ARV ($250), which include:

  • Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
  • Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
  • Baby’s First Words Book
  • Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
  • $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
  • Baby’s First Bath Robe
  • Pampers Swaddlers

Grand Prize: Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!


Pampers Celebrating Firsts Prize Pack Giveaway:

Right now, I have a giveaway for ONE lucky Truly Lovely reader!!! The winner will receive a Celebrating Firsts prize pack from Pampers which includes:

  • Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
  • Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
  • Baby’s First Words Book
  • Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
  • Pampers Swaddlers

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will close one week from today at midnight on December 10th. Winner will be announced the following day. Thanks for playing and good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What I’ve Been Reading Lately and a Giveaway!

Hey there lovelies! According to my 20 Wishes list I am well on my way to reading my goal of 50 books that I WANT to read in 2013.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 22 books toward her goal of 50 books.

I’ve read 22 so far this year and I’m working on the 23rd as we speak. I enjoy looking through other reading lists and finding fun reads to add to my own, so I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve read lately in case anyone is looking for something similar. Oh, and at the end of this post you’ll find a fun book giveaway!

So first up, the Beautiful Creatures series. First of all, the first book came out as a movie a couple of months ago, which caught my interest, and thanks to one of my favorite book bloggers (shout out to Marissa of Rae Gun!) I joined a book club on GoodReads where they were listed. They are in the young adult genre, something along the lines of Twilight or Divergent. The stories are a little bit darker than most YA books I’ve read, but I still thought it was a fun read overall. The writing is not at a level of other popular YA books, but if you’re looking for a breezy read just for fun, here you go!

Beautiful Creatures


Next up, The Dirty Life: On Farming Food and Love. I really enjoyed the story behind this book. It’s a true life story written by a woman that goes from city living in New York City to farm living in up state New York with her soon to be husband. It’s really a fun take on the city girl goes country theme made popular by The Pioneer Woman. My entire background is based in agriculture, it’s what I studied in college even so I wasn’t surprised by some of her more detailed farm adventures… But a word to those that aren’t as acclimated in agriculture… Don’t read this book around lunch time… There may or may not be detailed stories of the cooking of ALL animal parts… Just sayin…



Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay is my new go to gift for new moms or baby showers. This book is HILARIOUS. I marked it 5 stars on GoodReads! It’s one woman’s take (a comedian no less) on the advice that gets thrown at you from the baby books, well meaning acquaintances, your mother in law… as soon as you get pregnant. It really helps to make light of the situation and just really helps calm your nerves about people sharing opinions you didn’t ask for, or about things you are certain you might be doing wrong because ‘perfect’ moms don’t do it that way. Such a good book!!!



Now that brings me to my fourth book. Technically it was a book I read as part of my 2012 reading challenge, but I enjoyed it and would like to share it with you today! 😉 The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox is the story of a young girl suddenly pulled into a magic world that includes fairies, a prince, talking animals and more. I think this is the perfect story for kiddos of the say 9-13 age range, give or take a few years. But even as an adult I found it to be a fun, easy read.


Here’s a little ditty about the author…

Victoria was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father. She now lives in Western Washington with her husband, Russ and their three children, Toby, Kristina, and William. Her other family members are a Chihuahua, named Pipsy and two cats, named Frodo and Fritz. Besides being an author, Victoria is a home-schooling mother of twelve years and an elementary school art teacher of eleven years. In her spare time, Victoria enjoys managing her two older children’s Celtic band. She also loves writing, reading, painting watercolors, hiking, good movies, and just simply hanging out with her family and friends.

Victoria Simcox

You’ll find that the main character in The Magic Warble is named for her daughter, Kristina… Too fun, right!?!

Today Victoria is offering not one but THREE lucky Truly Lovely readers their very own e-book copy of The Magic Warble!!! Enter below using the Rafflecopter widget. The giveaway ends at midnight on Mother’s Day and the winners will be announced on Monday May, 13th. Thanks for entering and good luck!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tell me friends… What have YOU read lately???

Happy Thanksgiving and a Pick Your Plum Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving dolls!!! :)

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU! Our blog readers and friends!
Just as a little thanks for sticking with us, we’ve got a fun giveaway for you today! In between chowing down on some yummy Thanksgiving food, spending time with your loved ones and relaxing, we hope you’ll take a second and enter to win!

Have you heard of Pick Your Plum yet? It’s an online deal site, where you can receive the daily deal in your inbox and purchase that item online. They share their daily deal on their as well, so you have the chance to ‘Get it before your neighbor!’

One lucky winner will receive a box of Pick Your Plum goodies valued at $75!!!

It might include some fun craft supplies like some colorful twine….

Some fun baking items like maybe a cute cupcake stand…

It might contain some lovely home decor items… maybe personalized wooden words for your walls…

The contents of the package will be a surprise, but it’s guaranteed to be awesome! 😉

Enter to win below using the Rafflecopter form! Good luck!!!
A winner will be chosen next Thursday, November 29th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends!!!

Laundry Room Makeover and a Giveaway!

Hi there pretties!! 

I am so excited to share my laundry room makeover with you today!!
It got a brand new coat of paint (two colors) and a few new accessories!
Shout out and a BIG thank you to Kayli, Brianne (my SIL) and Tammy (MIL), for helping me!!! :)

Let’s dive right in shall we??

aqua laundry room

I realized after we had already cleared everything out and started taping, that I hadn’t taken any good before photos… The photo on the left above is from before we even moved in!

 So I quickly snapped a few for prosperity’s sake…. OK, and because I TRY to be a good DIY blogger… 😉

As you can see lots and lots of white/off-white going on in there. I do LOVE my cabinets. They’re the same in the kitchen and have this lovely rope detailing at the top… Can you say made for me and the hubs!?! :) So I decided to use the dark brown as an accent color for the accessories.

The paint colors I chose were Deepest Agua by Glidden and Elegant Lace by Glidden.

laundry room makeover

Gotta tell you when I showed Tammy the aqua color we were going to use she was sort of taken aback… “Blue?!” she said… But after… “This color looks so good!!!” Thank you Tammy! Thank you! 😉
I personally love how well the white and blue look together! Since the door, breaker box and trim are all white, the white ceiling really ties it all together! Not to mention my washer and dryer and the little deep freeze are white.

The two brown rugs in the above photo were purchased at Wal-Mart for about $18 (bigger rug) and $8 (lighter rug).

laundry room makeover

So, the color looked great… I love it!!! But it needed something more….

Enter… Quote the Walls!

Laundry Room Quote

I wanted to go with a western theme to fit the rest of the house and our style…
You guys, the ladies at Quote the Walls were so great to work with! I told Rebecca the quote I wanted, the color, even the font, and she sent me over a digital proof with the western decals added in for good measure!

 I chose the larger size option, 14″ x 53″, because I had that large wall to contend with. Because the vinyl was SO big, we were afraid we’d really have trouble getting it up…. but between Kayli and I we got it centered and on the wall in no time!

western laundry room vinyl

Isn’t it fun!?! I love how the brown looks against the aqua and the sort of western whimsy it adds to the space.

If you look to the left from the photo above…
You’ll see the horseshoe Scentsy Warmer that was in my craft room got a new, more fitting home and the aqua color looks nice against my counter top as well!

western laundry room idea

 So… what do you think of my new Western Laundry Room????
Without the Quote the Walls vinyl, it’s really just your run of the mill, newly painted laundry room. The vinyl gives it a more polished look and feel, don’t you think???

How would YOU like the chance to win a $25 gift card to Quote the Walls, so you can get your very own wall vinyl!!
You might choose one just like mine, now available on their site!! 😉

Perhaps you’d like one for your bathroom, bedroom, or little one’s room?!?
Your choice if you win!!!
Enter below using the Rafflecopter form and good luck!!!
Giveaway closes on Tuesday, August 7th.
Winner announced on Wednesday August 8th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Quote the Walls for the AMAZING wall vinyl!! I received the wall vinyl in exchange for my review and hosting of the giveaway, however, as always all opinions are 100% my own!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

Sponsor Spotlight & Giveaway – Laura of Our Reflection

Let’s start June off with a BANG! Huh, friends? 
Today we have a brand new sponsor AND a GIVEAWAY for you dolls!!!

Don’t you think June is a great month to get to know a little more about the lovelies on our sidebar? I think so too! 😉 So I’ve asked our sweet sponsors to answer a few basic questions so we can get to know them better!
Hope you’ll take a second to see what you have in common with these lovelies, then click over and make a new friend!

To get June rolling we are excited to introduce our brand new Extra Large ad sponsor, Laura of Our Reflection!

Sponsor Truly Lovely

Shown above with her two daughters, here’s a little about Laura in her own words! 
I’m a full-time working mom of two beautiful daughters, a wife to an amazing encouraging husband. When I’m not working my 8-5 or being “mommy”, I’m a lifestyle photographer. I’m regrettably a bit addicted to social media. I have a constant connection with  and . I heart Starbucks. I love the colors pink and yellow. I have a passion about mountain biking and I would LOVE to learn how to play the piano {on my bucket list}.”

Befriend Laura:

* Blog * * * * HelloCotton *
*  * Instagram * Photo Blog *

Laura has a surprise for you lovelies today too!!!

spa kit giveaway

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below and GOOD LUCK!
The giveaway will close at midnight on Sunday, June 10th. Winner announced Monday, June 11th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway