Thirty Thankfuls Part 2

Hey friends! How was your weekend?? It was COLD here! We finally used our heater for the first time this season!

See Thirty Thankfuls Part 1 here. In case you missed it, I’m sharing one thing a day that I am thankful for via Instagram the month of November. You can follow along at @Kassarie!

Day 11: I’m thankful for the veterans that serve our great country. People like my papa who served during WWII and those stationed away from their families today. I’m thankful for the military families who live without their loved ones while they’re away. Thank you all!!


Day 12: Today I’m thankful for chilled teethers. cut her first tooth a couple days before her 4 month birthday, the left bottom tooth, and this week she’s working on number two, the bottom right.


Day 13: I’m thankful for my sister, Kayli. If I could hope for my daughter to be like anyone, besides me , I would hope that she’s like her Auntie Kayli. She is the most morally sound person I know but completely accepting of others faults. She’s a book nerd, a baking fiend and an amazing friend. Plus she has a pure excitement for things like her first trip to the ocean.


Day 14: I’m thankful for my sisters in law! Arina is so fun to hang out with and since our husbands act exactly the same (they’re brothers) we can talk for hours! Brianne has been a blessing here lately especially serving as my photography nanny, taking care of Klara when Nate can’t and I have a shoot. Jessie is the perfect wifey for my brother and will be an amazing mommy to my nephew on the way. And Steph (not pictured), always cracks me up!


Day 15: I’m thankful is a healthy, growing baby girl!! Her 4 month birthday was last week, but I waited to get her stats at her dr appt yesterday. She’s cut two teeth, rolled over once, is trying to sit up on her own. She’ll let pretty much anyone hold her for a few minutes unless she’s teething and cranky then she only wants mom. Our sweet girl is such a happy punkin!!


Day 16: I’m thankful for old friends that I don’t get to see very often and that I can now introduce them to my daughter! {AND here’s to Jen kicking cancer’s bum!!!}


Day 17: I’m thankful for old friends that I DO get to see often! And I’m grateful that they love my daughter like family too!


Day 18: I’m thankful for Scentsy! I’ve been a Scentsy consultant for over 5 years! It’s a product I use everyday in my own home and that I’m excited to share with friends! Get your Scentsy for the holidays at Kayce’s online party!!


Day 19: I’m thankful my Jamberry sheets already came!! I just ordered last week and they’re already here! I’m hosting my own party right now if you’re interested. Buy 3 sheets get the 4th free!!


Day 20: I’m thankful for Klara’s swing!! She’s about to outgrow it and I’m so sad! She loves it! I can put her in it and wash dishes or eat my lunch… It’s really bought me a lot of baby entertainment time!


Your turn: What are you thankful for today??

Thirty Thankfuls Part 1

Hey there lovelies! How’s your week so far?

I have been participating in the #thirtythankfuls and #everdaygratitude events on Instagram since the beginning of November. You share one thing a day that you’re thankful for. Some people share theirs in a status on Facebook or something similar. Because I’m a photographer, I share my one thing on Instagram with a photo. I thought it would be fun to share those here as well. So here is my list of things I am thankful for, the first installment! If you are participating I would love to check out your lists! Leave your Instagram account in the comments below so I can follow along. Mine is @Kassarie.

Day 1: I’m thankful for this precious girl, crashed out after Trunk or Treat on Halloween.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 1

Day 2: I’m thankful for my husband who will stand in front of a fence for me while I test camera settings, puts up with all my crazy side projects, loves me and our daughter. Yep, I got lucky!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 2

Day 3: I’m thankful Klara gets the chance to know her great Nana and Papa. And that she has such amazing grandparents on both sides!!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 3

Day 4: I’m thankful for Luna. It will always be my hometown, always a place I can go to see family and people who know and love me. Plus, it’s the prettiest place in the world.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 4
Day 5: I’m thankful for my mom! She was the mom that went on every school trip, made it to every basketball game and did everything possible to show us how much she loved us. I am excited and hopeful that I’ll be that kind of mommy for Klara.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 5

Day 6: I’m thankful for my dad! He gave me my work ethic, taught me how to drive a stick shift, ride a horse and present a good argument. In his eyes I was/am always as strong and capable as any boy/man and that gave me confidence. Thanks dad!!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 6

Day 7: I’m thankful for my job! I get to work 8-5 to help support my family AND get to stay home with our little lady at the same time! Truly blessed!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 7

Day 8: I’m thankful for morning smiles and cuddles. And zebra footy jammies.

Thirty Thankfuls Day 8

Day 9: I’m thankful for my sewing machine and that my mom, granny and nana taught me to sew. I can fix a shirt, hem a pair of pants or whip up a fall pillow on a moments notice. It really comes in handy!!

Thirty Thankfuls Day 9

Day 10: I’m thankful for my hobby turned job! I’ve always loved photography and I’m so blessed I could turn it into a source of income for my family while doing something I truly enjoy! Kassi Mortensen Photography

Thirty Thankfuls Day 10

So tell me!? What are you thankful for today???

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! 😉

Happy Thanksgiving and a Pick Your Plum Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving dolls!!! 🙂

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU! Our blog readers and friends!
Just as a little thanks for sticking with us, we’ve got a fun giveaway for you today! In between chowing down on some yummy Thanksgiving food, spending time with your loved ones and relaxing, we hope you’ll take a second and enter to win!

Have you heard of Pick Your Plum yet? It’s an online deal site, where you can receive the daily deal in your inbox and purchase that item online. They share their daily deal on their as well, so you have the chance to ‘Get it before your neighbor!’

One lucky winner will receive a box of Pick Your Plum goodies valued at $75!!!

It might include some fun craft supplies like some colorful twine….

Some fun baking items like maybe a cute cupcake stand…

It might contain some lovely home decor items… maybe personalized wooden words for your walls…

The contents of the package will be a surprise, but it’s guaranteed to be awesome! 😉

Enter to win below using the Rafflecopter form! Good luck!!!
A winner will be chosen next Thursday, November 29th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends!!!

Ten Weeks of Thanks: Week #10 Faith

So this is my final week. And it’s crazy. I remember starting this and being like “When I finish this, the semester will almost be over!” Guys, has it really already been 10 weeks? It just blows my mind. And I also can’t believe the change I’ve seen in myself. I appreciate EVERYTHING. I know there are things I overlook still- I’m not perfect when it comes to gratitude, but this has definitely made me better. At least once a day I find myself just trying to wrap my mind around how blessed I am. And even though this is the most stressful part of my semester, it’s also the happiest I’ve been this semester, because I recognize how amazing my life is.

So the topic for this last week is Faith. And I want to throw out a little bit of a disclaimer. First, these are my personal views and I do not speak for my Church. I just speak as a member of it. I also understand that there are all kinds of faith and religion and spirituality and I respect each one of them. So please respect mine. (:

Now that we have all of that out of the way, I’m excited for this. If you remember my first post, I explained that I actually got the idea for this from church. So here are a few (of the innumerable) reasons why I’m grateful for my faith, why I’m grateful I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:

The Atonement

Every good thing in my life, everything I mention in this post boils down to one thing.  The Atonement. The ability to reach eternal life, the ability to repent for the wrong that I’ve done and move forward, there’s nothing bigger than that. There’s nothing better than that. With all of my heart I know that Christ suffered and died for us, for me. So that we could right our wrongs and return to our Father in Heaven. There’s no greater love, there is no love that is more perfect, and that knowledge saves me every day of my life.

The Book of Mormon

I’m grateful for The Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ. It works right with the Bible and it’s taught me so many things. I love that extra help, all of those extra stories and lessons. Life is hard, and I’m grateful for any extra bit of instruction and comfort I can get. It makes me a better person.

Eternal Families

We believe that through making and keeping sacred covenants we can live with our families forever. That’s amazing. I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to keep the people I love for eternity. It isn’t easy, we have to be willing to do the work each and every one of us, but the work will be so worth it and it’s such a beautiful blessing.

The Uplifting Message

I am so grateful for so many things within my faith. I’m grateful for modern day prophets, for the organization of it, for institute classes and the beautiful people it has brought into my life. I’m grateful for the happiness and joy and comfort it has given me. I am grateful for the emphasis that is put on family, and on helping and loving each other. But more than anything, my faith in, and my relationship with my Heavenly Father is the most important thing in the world to me and is the thing I am the most grateful for. Without Him I am nothing.  I know that I am a daughter of God and that I am worth more than the world tells me I am. I know that I have a purpose. I know that you have a purpose. I know that Christ died for us and that He lives today. I know that the Creator of the universe and of everything we have ever and will ever see, knows me and loves me for exactly what I am and am not. And I know that even when life isn’t all sunshine and meadows, He is still there, teaching me and pushing me forward to better things.

Here are two of my favorite videos ever. I hope you’ll watch them. (:

What Matters Most

 Good Things to Come

So that is why I’m grateful for my faith. What do you believe? Why are you grateful for YOUR faith?

Thanks for reading along. It’s been quite a journey!

Tons of love,

April Small Ad Sponsor Group Spotlight

Hello dolls!!! You know how sponsorships in the blog world works… Right??
These lovelies help us cover the costs of sharing Truly Lovely with YOU!
That said, it would be super AMAZING of YOU to click over and tell each of these sweethearts hello. 😉


Isn’t she a beauty! We just love her. 😉
Kristine is offering Truly Lovely readers 20% off at using TRULYLOVELY20!!!
With more of her new Spring Line coming out mid April (i.e. right about now…) It’s the perfect time to click over and get you a pretty or two!  She’s also offering readers a chance to win a two month medium ad space in our !


At , Jerri is currently adding some new items for spring. Truly Lovely readers can get 15% off at her shop by using the coupon code: TRULYLOVELY15
Her shop is also an Ultimate Blog Party sponsor this year! She will be giving away a necklace and earring set over at her blog Simply Sweet Home during the party! The party and giveaways will open on April 13, so be sure to check it out!
Last, but not least, Jerri just moved her blog over to WordPress with a fun and “simply sweet” new look, so she would love to invite everyone to come over and see it!

Do you read Sugar Bee Crafts?? If not, you’ll wanna check it out! Mandy is one of THE craftiest ladies we know!!
She posts AMAZING crafty, DIY, etc. posts on a daily basis!
We link up to her Take a Look Tuesday party every week that we can and even if we don’t link up, we’re always popping over to check out the other fun projects that are shared weekly by her readers!!!


Our sweet friend Ami is STILL offering , through the end of April to celebrate Kayli’s Birthday!!!
Kayli was able to choose whatever item she wanted from AliLilly for her birthday! What amazing friends and sponsors we have, right!?! Kayli chose some pretty earrings that we’ll be sure to share when they come in! 🙂
YOU can win $20 to her shop right now over in our by the way!!!
Ami is always sharing an awesome craft or DIY over on her blog… So be sure to say hello there!


Thank you Ami, Jerri, Kristine and Mandy for being so awesome! 😉 We LOVE ya!

Check out our other FUN small ad sponsors here:

Rachael of Lovely Crafty Home
Megan of Absolute Mommy
Bobbi of Dats So Cute
Katie of Punkin Heads and Doodaloos
Heather of Finding Beauty in the Ordinary 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties! 🙂

{FOOD} Ten Weeks of Thanks: Week 9

Guys! It’s almost the end of my 10 week journey!

But it’s not over yet… (: So let’s talk about one of my favorite things EVER. Food.

Ahh glorious food. Here’s the thing, I’m a food kind of gal. Whatever I’m doing, unless it’s just something super exciting- I’d probably rather be baking. That’s something I inherited from my Granny- who was really who taught me almost everything I know about cooking. She showed me how to fry chicken and taught me how to rise dinner rolls. So I’m grateful for food because of that. Because it’s close to my heart. Because cooking is what has always brought our family together at the table. I’m grateful for farmers and ranchers, who grow and raise our food. I’m grateful food supports so many people, not just by sustaining them physically but by providing them with work. I’m grateful for it because nothing says “I’m sorry I was jerk face… my bad,” quite like a dozen cookies. That’s why I love food. It makes people happy. End of story.

Here are a couple of my favorite things to make and the links to them. (:

Next week is the FINAL week!!! The topic for next week is FAITH. What about your faith are you grateful for? Why?

Happy Wednesday friends! (: And happy eating!


Ten Weeks of Thanks: Week 8 Inventions

Hello, hello, loves!

I hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Today’s topic is inventions!

The first thing I’m grateful for, ELECTRICITY. Dudes, I hate when the lights go out. I literally don’t know what to do with myself for the first hour. Don’t get me wrong, I like to be unplugged and have (believe it or not) spent days without my phone. It was awesome, but I love having lights and internet and all of that wonderful stuff.

The next thing I’m grateful for is the printing press. Ahh the printing press. The thing that produces my favorite things. BOOKS. I would talk about how awful life would be without books, but I can’t imagine it, and therefore, have no idea of where I would even begin to describe the awfulness. So I’m just going to be happy I don’t have to worry about that. (:

Next, I’m super grateful for those little socks you wear with flats. Didn’t see that one comin, did ya?! GUYS. Those things save my life! And they’ve been around for awhile but I was just kind of like “meh.” But apparently every one and their great aunt knew about the gloriousness of them and decided to not tell me! Let me illustrate my love for them to you.

Me before tiny socks: “Bah, flats aren’t even comfortable! They’re just sweaty and cut my heel!”

Me after tiny socks: “I need to buy more flats, I freakin love those things.”

See? They have a special place in my heart.

And finally, I’m grateful for snail mail. It makes my whole day. I always go out and check it in the afternoon and if nothing is there I go back in a couple of hours, because surely there’s an ad, a saver, SOMETHING. (: It’s just a fun thing. And lately I’m more grateful than ever, because it lets me send love and support to the people that are far away. And that’s awesome.

Next week’s topic is FOOD. Oh you can bet I’m gonna be all over that. (:

What deliciousnesses (is that a word?) are you grateful for, why?


Places I Love: Ten Weeks of Thanks Wk #7

I would say I’m sorry I missed last week, but if I’m being honest, when I left for spring break I happily left my computer behind.

Not that it was super easy. I missed the full version of Pinterest and YouTube is slower on my phone. Real world problems, you know. (: BUT I learned a couple songs on piano, and I made a cake, and I slept, it was awesome. And I feel like this would be the perfect place to start the talk about places that I’m grateful for. Just three. Not that I’m only thankful for these three places, I have more than I could count. And I could talk for days about each. But these are the ones I feel like are the most important. So, three valleys. No names, no pictures. Just what I want to share. Cause that’s how this works. (:

Valley #1: The valley closest to my heart. It’s home.

Where I spent most of my break. I spent my whole life, up until college, living in one house, in that one valley. It’s quiet and beautiful. It’s deathly cold in the winter and warm and rainy in the summer. It smells like fresh cut grass and wild sunflowers. I love everything about it, which is why I don’t have tons to write about it. Because it’s too special. It’s a pretty legit place to be.

Valley #2: The valley I wanted to run off to every weekend once I could drive. (:

It was “town” and even though it’s probably the rest of the world’s idea of a small town, it was huge compared to home. We’d go and eat Chinese and go to the park. And then a lot of our youth group activities for church were there, and I made all of these amazing friends and did all of this crazy fun stuff like Dance Festivals and going to the golf course and the occasional carnival, hanging out in the parking lot and cruising around. I have nothing but happy memories there. And every time I go back to that place it just makes me smile and makes me think about strawberry blizzards and starry nights and Izze and pickups. It’s as magical as it sounds. (:

And then Valley #3: I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved it.

And now Kassi lives there. And I get to go all of the time. (: I think I really fell in love with the place when we went to the temple there. The town sits in the desert but it’s somehow still green. It’s bigger but it feels small and it’s comfortable. Probably because Kassi’s there, more than anything. I spent the end of my break there. (: I went and spent the weekend and we took the kiddos (not HER kiddos, by the way, but a niece and nephew) to the carnival. Which pretty much made my whole life because I LOVE carnivals. I love that valley. I love that it’s like a bajillion degrees but the mountains have snow on them, and that summer is the longest season there. I love who it keeps, and I love that it’s welcomed me, too.

So there’s that. 🙂 I’m so blessed y’all. It’s crazy.

Next week’s topic is inventions. Think technology. What are you grateful for? Why?

I hope you’re having a beautiful Wednesday! By the way, there’s a linky below if you’d like to share the places YOU’RE thankful for. 🙂



Ten Weeks of Thanks – Kassi’s Week 4

Hello there friends!!!
So Miss Kayli is off enjoying her Spring Break… And as such is taking a break from the computer! Can you blame her… she’s still in her first year of college… I got tired of the computer when I was in college too! haha.

SO, I’m going to use her break to catch up on MY Ten Weeks of Thanks! She’ll be back next week with her week 7… which will give YOU plenty of time to get YOUR post(s) ready if you’d like to link up with us. 🙂 Week 7’s topic is Places, so next Wednesday, if you want to share what PLACES, anywhere in the world, that YOU’RE thankful for… we’d love to have you!

Until then, here’s my week 4 – People who have passed on that I am thankful for… And as always, this is only a select few… The list of people I am thankful for could go on and on… You’ll notice my list is . Over the last two, almost three now years we lost three people very close to us. So it’s them that I’ll be sharing today.

Granny. One of my most favorite people in the entire world! I remember once when I was just a tyke, and it only happened that ONE time… I was being naughty and got a spat on the bum from my Granny. I’m not sure who was more shocked, me, her or the people who saw it happen… She and I were tight. She never really got mad at me.
I was born just over a year after she lost my grandpa (). My mom always said I came at a time when she needed someone to love more than anything. And she loved me like crazy. And I her. When I graduated from college I moved home to care for her. She lived with my parents then. That is a time in my life that I will truly cherish forever.

My mother in law. Oh this lady… She could crack you up like none other! And she always had my back. Which was awesome being that I married her son… She would say, “If you guys ever break up, we’re keeping you.” 🙂 She said that about all of her daughters in law. There’s three of us and a daughter and every one of us has a house full of trinkets and treasures thanks to her. She loved to yard sale and would always bring everyone a little something home…. You know… like a set of couches. 😉

We lost her in a car accident in 2009. That was and still is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through in my entire life.

Grandpa S. My husband’s grandfather. My mother in law’s dad. We lost him just a year shy of my mother in law. A spunkier cowboy you have never seen! He made it as a team tier in the National Finals Rodeo several times. As far as I know his love of roping and riding is where my husband got his love from. We are lucky to have a few photos of them roping together. When I met him he was one of the first people to include me. The hubs and I dated for over five years before we got married. But being married didn’t matter to him… I was already a part of his family.


Tell us lovelies… WHO are YOU thankful for?

If you have sometime today or in the next few days, here are the linkups (and their topics) in Kayli’s Ten Weeks of Thanks Series thus far. We would absolutely LOVE to hear what/who you are thankful for. 🙂 By the way, some of the links had closed… But I’ve re-opened all of them until April 1st if you’d like to join in anytime before then… 🙂

And don’t forget, next week’s topic is PLACES.

Be thankful friends!


Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap With Janine of 3 Wishes

Hello there! Today we are thrilled to introduce you to

Janine of 3 Wishes!

She’s sharing a fun post on enjoying the simple things in life! A little something we ALL need to work on! 🙂

Take it away Janine!!!

Hello, I am so excited to be here.  Today I wanted to share on the topic of simple pleasures.  Isn’t it something when the smallest of things or moments can make us smile? Like meeting new bloggers.

Here are a few of my simple pleasures…

I adore reading devotionals…This is my quiet time with the Lord.  To ask for guidance with my words and steps.  To give thanks for a brand new day.

I love tea…I gave up caffeine for my health about 6 weeks ago so I have been enjoying organic caffeine free teas, and herbal teas.  I also gave up most defined sugar so I sweeten my tea with agave.  I am in love.

I love trampolines. I have always wanted one.  My 3 precious kiddos love jumping also,  we were able to purchase one for this spring break. We are having a blast and getting some exercise is a bonus.

I swoon over our view every day. No matter the season, our view is so breathtaking to me.  I go and stare out at the lake and daydream about where the boats are going or about summer plans of soaking up the sun on Moonshine Beach.

I am crushing on our hammock in the backyard. I could just lay here all day and watch the humming birds in summer and in Missouri we get cardinals all year long.

I love to write and this blog has really opened the door to journaling in an entirely new way.  I have considered this little blog to be a love note to my family but, if I can touch others in some small way, or be helpful at all, well that just makes my heart happy.

These are a few of my simple pleasures…Would love to hear what yours are.

Have a wonderful day lovelies!

Our thanks to the lovely Janine for being this week’s Bloggie Bestie and for sharing her simple pleasures! 
Did you know we have a page JUST for Bloggie Besties now! 🙂 Hover over the Contact/Advertise page and the Bloggie Bestie page will appear! 🙂 Hope you’ll check it out and click through some posts from our other fabulous blogging friends!

By the way, I’m over at 3 Wishes sharing a post today as well! I’d love to see you over there!