Fabric Rosettes, My First Attempt!


  1. OH!!! I love it Kassi!! Every time I see Zebra stuff I always think of you! Thanks so much for all the sweet shout outs!!! :) OH and I keep forgetting to mention. You should take some of your future hubby's ropes and maybe make a rosette out of them to put on a sofa throw pillow?? Maybe?? I thought of that the other day and had to mention it to you!

  2. So cute! I've been playing around with making these for a new Etsy shop in the works :) WOOOOOHOOOO 1 month countdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. says:

    […] rolled a small rosette using this method and hot glued it on the front for a little pretty embellishmentand it was done!  A cute […]

  2. says:

    […] after the sanding and ended up looking really neat!  Each frame then got either one or two rolled fabric rosettes hot glued on. I used the same fabric I used for the rosette on my chalkboard flower pot, trying to […]

  3. says:

    […] one end on to hold it in place, then sewed around the top and bottom of the ribbon.  I used this method for my rosettes, but here’s a little tip I just figured out… If you want an idea of […]

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