
We would be THRILLED to have YOU as an advertiser on Truly Lovely!
If you have a shop/blog/site you think Truly Lovely readers would enjoy, read on new friend…

Truly Lovely Stats
(as of 08/27/2013)


The first post on Truly Lovely was published in November 2010. Since then we have grown to 1,135+ followers/subscribers through GFC, and .
Truly Lovely has been averaging +5,000 page views per month!
Social media reach of +3,884.
: 1,554
: 1,005
: 1,325

Klout score of 60.
{All sponsors are added to our Klout List  and FYI!}


We would be delighted to feature your pretties in a product review, giveaway, and/or What I Wore post! For an example of a past What I Wore product review see here. It will only cost you the value of the product.

If you have another suggestion for collaboration not previously mentioned, contact us and we are more than willing to discuss it!! 😉


Sponsorship Testimonials

Links to these lovelies:
* Chrissy * Jenny * Lena * Breanna * Jerri * Katherine * Kendra *  *

All sponsorships are billed and payments accepted via Paypal through Passionfruit Ads. If you don’t use Passionfruit, please let us know and we’d be glad to help you get set up some other way.

If you need help creating or re-sizing your button ad, let us know.

Advertising rates subject to change based on blog growth.

Kassi and Kayli can be reached at:

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