Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Jaime of Memoirs of a Pilgrim

Hello dolls! Happy Thursday!!
Today we have a brand new Bloggie Bestie!!!
The lovely Jaime of Memoirs of a Pilgrim is here to share some gorgeous photos and talk about one of my favorite places… Australia!!!
On a side note, did you know I went to Australia in high school to play for the NM girls basketball team?? LOVED IT!!!

Take it away Jaime…
First off, I’m pretty stoked to be taking over Truly Lovely’s blog today. 
What better crowd is there to show off the plethora to photos I take and my attempts of being an artist?

Of course, there is none 😉

Now, if you click on over to my blog, Memoirs of a Pilgrim, you’ll get an eye full of  the absolutely gorgeous country I have been clubbed and dragged to by the man I met two years ago at a New Orleans hostel:


I’ll admit, the initial  transition was a bit tough being from the quaint Midwestern state of Wisconsin. I left behind all my closest peeps, cozy home, rural livin’ and of course the cheeeeese. Oh how I dream of those fresh, squeaky cheese curds!

But now I live in “the big smoke”. I just moved to Sydney two months ago, but started my time here in Australia living in Brisbane, which only a train ride to the famed Gold Coast. All of which are absolutely stunning cities with so much character. 

Living in a major wold city definitely has its perks  and quite the thrill for small town folk as myself, especially when said city (Sydney) has earned a title in the top ten cities in the world! It’s a bragging right I never refrain from gloating about :)

 Fortunately I’ve always been ambitious to get out of my particular small town and lived in Minneapolis for a while after high school, making the transition easy and not sticking out like a sore thumb.  I’m also savvy at using public transport, finding my way through mazes of crowded streets and making sure to find all the lush, expansive parks and beaches to by the time.

But the great thing of all about Australia are the many natural and gorgeous escapes it provides for it’s residents pleasure. 

With the great barrier reef, local islands, and a vast shoreline of the greatest beaches in the world you will never hear me complain. And I have yet to check out any of the inland mountains or outback!

While that’s all being said and done I still have lots of downtime at home while I’m working and saving up for said adventures and taking a course to maintain legal residence here. With that spare time I like to express my creative side via sketch-booking, painting and drooling over Pintrest! 

I hope you enjoyed this blog swap and I invite you to check out s’more at my blog!


THANKS SO MUCH TO JAIME for being this week’s BLOGGIE BESTIE and swapping with us today! :) Hope you’ll pop over to her blog and check out my guest post after you leave her some bloggie love here. :)

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