Fancy This Features #45

Hello lovelies! The start of another week!!! 
I had a very nice birthday weekend at my parents house. 
Miss Kayli made me a birthday cake!
I got to open some FUN presents! 
And had nice road trip up there with the hubs. 

Before I get to the features from Fancy This Fridays, I wanna say THANK YOU to everyone who left comments on my ! 
I got some GREAT tips and several mentions from other lovelies that I’m not alone! 

I THINK I have resolved to try to fit in a couple of WIWW every month from now on. 
They serve as a means to push me to do more with what I have. 
So look for some of those coming up! :)

Also!!! TODAY is the last day to enter my !!! 
There’s some AWESOME loot to be won!!! SO go enter!!! 😉 
Winner will be announced via our and pages tomorrow!!!

Now, onto the features!!!

First, check out how Laurie of Little Blue Chairs took this HOLE in her bathroom wall from this to this. 
Her entire bathroom makeover looks great!! 
LOVE her wall color!

Next, how stinkin’ cute are these little crocheted yummies from Laurie at Mommy to 4 Princes and 2 Princesses
ADORABLE! And super soft for the kiddos to play with!

And finally, couldn’t resist a good peanut butter cookie and candy corn pumpkin combo! These peanut butter cookie bites, linked by Aimee at Sugary Sweets sound so yummy!!!

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you sweets!!


Thanks to all who linked this last week! 

And SPECIAL thanks again to all who commented!
Your comments really, TRULY make my day!!!

Have a lovely week!!! 


  1. I'm SO excited! I"ve never been featured before!! Thanks so much!!

  2. Thank you for the feature. I am overjoyed!

  3. Oh my those cookies look yum!

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