Blog Critique Party Wrapup and Linky

Hello there lovelies! 
So we’ve made it past the deadline for the
I’ve already received several emails from bloggers completing their critiques and what not.
Excited to hear about improvements already being made to the blogs of some participants!!

I do acknowledge we had a few issues this first time around…
1. When I was sending out emails a few blog names were linked incorrectly because my email was keeping the link from the previous email… If that makes sense. I know how to fix that now by the way! 
Apologies if that affected you during your critique! 

2. A few of the blog critique partner emails I sent out went to Spam folders… Again, sorry about that! Hopefully I’m not considered spam in your inbox any longer! 

BUT other than those few mishaps, I feel like it was a success!!!

Things we learned from critiques of Truly Lovely
1. We need to watermark our photos. We didn’t but they are being watermarked now!
(I‘m loving the watermark font Kayli chose, aren’t you?!?)
This makes sense in this new age of Pinterest where a watermark can help people see right away where the idea came from! 

2. So the blog IS Truly Lovely with the LANEY SISTERS. Which is more than just Kassi. We had already mentioned that Kayli would be posting more and she is… Again, see .
But it was interesting to have one of our critiquers notice that she wasn’t posting much on a blog that’s supposed to be by both of us. So we’re working on that!

3. We’re considering a redesign of our header at least… 
We love our background, but maybe it’s time for a fresh look! Yesterday I posed the question on , 
Hey lovelies…. Thoughts on our blog background and header?? I noticed pointed out that a lot of bloggers are going with a white/more simply background and a fun header…. Do you think ours is outdated? Is it time for a makeover? It’s been that way for a long time now….
So far the response has been suggestions on widening our blog header image, not changing to a white background because that’s boring (haha), etc. 

What about you? Any thoughts on the Truly Lovely design? 
Do you think it’s time for a new look or do you love it the way it is?

Things we noticed on blogs that we critiqued…
1. It’s a simple change to make your blog mobile phone ready so that it looks better when opened on a smartphone. It’s a simple settings edit under the design tab of blogger.

2. There are a few simple HTML changes you can make to clean up the look of your blog… Like centering your header, cleaning up your sidebar…. If you need help with those SIMPLE things (I’m NOT an expert by any means), let me know! I’d be glad to help! 😉

Now it’s your turn. 
Below we would LOVE if you’d share a post on what you learned and shared through this critique party! 
If not a full post we would love to hear what you thought below in the comments. 
Also, overall how did you feel about the party? 
Should we do this again sometime?
If you weren’t able to participate this time around would you like to in the future?

Thanks to everyone who joined in and made this a successful, learning experience!



  1. I absolutely loved the party. There were little things about my blog that both of my critique partners didn't care for, little things that I wouldn't have ever thought of but when I went back and looked I agreed. I also discovered how important it is to have some sort of other social networking for my blog (facebook, twitter). Overall, loved it!! And yes I say continue to do it in the future.


  2. I thought it was fabulous. I realized some little things that I needed to fix.
    As far as you guys' design goes, if you like it, keep it. I would maybe have the header on the actual background rather than the white part – that might look kind of cool, but I think your blog should be about you and what you like! Sometimes simpler is better, yes, but your design doesn't hurt my eyes, so I think it's okay. :)

  3. Thanks for hosting the critique party. I would definitely do it again. It was great to get some feedback and suggestions on changes I could make. I see changes in my blog's future. :)

  4. Ami w/AliLilly says:

    Ya know, I didn't even think to check on mobile. I wish I had thought of that. Thanks for hosting this Kassi! I really learned a lot. I also added some copyright info to my post. Ya know from my wonderful experience this last weekend! O_o

  5. The Morrows says:

    This is a neat idea.
    How do you watermark you photos?

  6. glamourpuss says:

    Thank you SO much for this party! I have been wanting some constructive feedback for so long, so this was perfect timing! I can't wait to start implementing the ideas!! 😀

  7. WOW! This sounds like a blast and Im a Newbie here so this could prove to be very helpful to me:) When do we start? Yah! Deidre~

  8. I learned so much by not only receiving but critiquing the blogs :)

  9. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    Thank you so much for hosting Kassi! It was a GREAT experience.

  10. Stone Cottage Adventures says:

    The critique party was a wonderful learning experience. It would be nice to have a little time to tweak as suggested and participate again! I now follow Life in the Thrifty Lane as well as A Lil Dash of Diva! They are both AWESOME blogs! -Marci

  11. Ladybird Ln says:

    Thanks Kassi, it was great to get some constructive feedback! And find some new blogs!


  12. Hi there! I just learned about the critique party today (Well past any useful time, I know). In the future I would love to participate. I'm sure I could use a lot of help making my blog more user friendly.

  13. Kym ((bitty)) says:

    i just found out about this through alyx's blog (everyday is a new adventure) and i'm sorry i missed out on it. if you host another one, i'll be thrilled to participate.
    seriously, what a great idea. one of the best ideas i've heard in a long time.

  14. Hani@Craftionary says:

    congratulationsss!! I am so excited for you girls.. :) I wish I had an etsy to join in the huge giveaway..

  15. Jennifer McLean says:

    I'd love to participate. Here's my blog, will you be contacting anyone who leaves you a "yes" I'd participate?
    My blog is, just email me from there if you do this again, I could use all the help I can get! Thanks!

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