Ten Weeks of Thanks – Kassi’s Week 1

Ok… So I’m a little behind… 
But you didn’t think for one minute I wasn’t going to join in on my sister’s linky party, did you?!? 
So here I am! Finally. Sorry bout that… heehee. 
 I’m going to follow Kayli’s lead and choose five things I’m thankful for to go along with each topic. 
So this week, I’m thankful for these physical abilities

Sight. I’ve worn glasses since I was in about 5th grade I think it was… Contacts since about 6th… Without one or the other I am a complete wreck! Like I can BARELY see anything… So near sighted it’s ridiculous!
My give me sight. Sight to see my sexy hubs. Sight to read the Hunger Games books (which I LOVED!!). Sight to see what I’m typing as I go along writing this blog post… You know, all the good things in life. 
Typing. Yep, that’s totally a physical ability. All day long I sit at a computer for my 8-5 job. I type emails, blog posts, tweets, etc. I’m pretty proficient at it thanks to my mom who realized what an important skill it was going to become and taught me at an early age… Typing is a key essential to being able to do my job. Typing is also essential to Truly Lovely… another thing I don’t know what I’d do without! 

Dancing. I’m with . Dancing is one of the funnest past times I can think of! Turns out I got lucky… Hubs is a great dancer! I wouldn’t say it’s his favorite thing, but he doesn’t mind taking me anytime I want to go… and we have a lot of fun together doing so. 

Dancing with our wedding party. 
Running. I hate it. Absolutely. I ran track in high school and hated every stinking step I had to take to get around that track. But let’s be honest… it keeps you healthy. It keeps you looking good. AND it can save your life as you run away from something scary… SO I am thankful I can run. 

Riding. I grew up learning to ride a horse with my Papa and my dad. Riding horses is a huge part of my family’s history, past and present. It’s what we do. Then I found and married the hubs. Riding horses to rope is his thing. If I couldn’t ride I’d be very left out, now wouldn’t I… 
Click here for the links ups for ,  and .  
We’d love for you to join us! :)
Be thankful lovelies! 


  1. Bella @ Bella before and after says:

    You are so cute girl. I love your pic with your glasses. Great list of things to be thankful for. The kids and I love riding too, even if we've only done it a handful of time, but it was awesome. It would be a dream to own a horse of my own one day :)

    I love your blog girl, and I missed you, and have been horrible at keeping up, but I redid my blog roll again, and now I have all my FAV BLOGS updated daily on there. So I can hopefully keep up better.

    Stop by anytime to say hello, I'm currently working on getting super organized (on a dime) and of course sharing some yummy recipes too!

    Have a WONDERFUL day my friend!!
    Hugs, Bella :)
    Bella Before and After
    Euro Style Cakes.

  2. Kristine Foley @ TheFoleyFam says:

    I love you in glasses! SO cute! And hello?? Let's get our dance on together!! :)

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