Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap With Janine of 3 Wishes

Hello there! Today we are thrilled to introduce you to

Janine of 3 Wishes!

She’s sharing a fun post on enjoying the simple things in life! A little something we ALL need to work on! 🙂

Take it away Janine!!!

Hello, I am so excited to be here.  Today I wanted to share on the topic of simple pleasures.  Isn’t it something when the smallest of things or moments can make us smile? Like meeting new bloggers.

Here are a few of my simple pleasures…

I adore reading devotionals…This is my quiet time with the Lord.  To ask for guidance with my words and steps.  To give thanks for a brand new day.

I love tea…I gave up caffeine for my health about 6 weeks ago so I have been enjoying organic caffeine free teas, and herbal teas.  I also gave up most defined sugar so I sweeten my tea with agave.  I am in love.

I love trampolines. I have always wanted one.  My 3 precious kiddos love jumping also,  we were able to purchase one for this spring break. We are having a blast and getting some exercise is a bonus.

I swoon over our view every day. No matter the season, our view is so breathtaking to me.  I go and stare out at the lake and daydream about where the boats are going or about summer plans of soaking up the sun on Moonshine Beach.

I am crushing on our hammock in the backyard. I could just lay here all day and watch the humming birds in summer and in Missouri we get cardinals all year long.

I love to write and this blog has really opened the door to journaling in an entirely new way.  I have considered this little blog to be a love note to my family but, if I can touch others in some small way, or be helpful at all, well that just makes my heart happy.

These are a few of my simple pleasures…Would love to hear what yours are.

Have a wonderful day lovelies!

Our thanks to the lovely Janine for being this week’s Bloggie Bestie and for sharing her simple pleasures! 
Did you know we have a page JUST for Bloggie Besties now! 🙂 Hover over the Contact/Advertise page and the Bloggie Bestie page will appear! 🙂 Hope you’ll check it out and click through some posts from our other fabulous blogging friends!

By the way, I’m over at 3 Wishes sharing a post today as well! I’d love to see you over there!  


  1. Kassi, I wanted to thank you and your lovely sister for having me over today!!! 🙂

  2. Oh I want a hammock!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. Lovin all your simples pleasures!!

  4. I want a trampoline so bad. Luckily my step sister’s house came with one so now I just need to talk her into watching my daughter so I can jump with my niece 🙂

    • Trampolines are so fun, right?! My niece and nephew got one for Christmas… It’s just a matter of me getting over there for a visit! 😉


  1. […] Bloggie Bestie Thursday! Today Janine of 3 Wishes has a fun tutorial for you! You can see her first guest post on Truly Lovely here. We really enjoy this lovely lady and know you will too! Take it away Janine! _______________ […]