Today is a Blessing: Ten Weeks of Thanks Wk #6

So this post is later than normal, but it’s because this post is about TODAY. I think today is a blessing.
And here’s some evidence of that:

First of all, today is our Papa’s birthday! And I’m absolutely thankful for him and everything he’s done for me. He’s an amazing man and fantastic grandfather. Happy Birthday Papa!!! (: As far as random little things about today go, I’ll start here!

I’m grateful for fresh laundry, it smells so good!

I’m grateful for long lasting birthday flowers that are keeping the dining room table pretty, 9 days and counting!

I’m grateful for my Shine Necklace.

I’m grateful for my pretty smelling perfume.

I’m grateful for awesome weather, perfect for the upcoming Spring Break!

I’m grateful I got out of class early today. I’m grateful I don’t have much homework. I’m grateful that the newest episode of Khloe and Lamar replayed this afternoon! (: I’m grateful I wasn’t late to class this morning. I’m grateful for snail mail and smart phone drawing games. I’m grateful for good friends, good food, and you. I hope we can all learn not to take our small blessings for granted. (:

Happy Wednesday!

Next week’s topic is: PLACES. What geographical places are you grateful for? Why?




  1. Isn’t the weather lately awesome! It’s supposed to get colder starting on Sunday… Hopefully it STAYS warm for your Spring Break! Also, I’m so glad you like your Shine Necklace! I love mine too!

  2. So…this weather stinks. Jinxed myself. Haha


  1. says:

    […] Week One – Physical Abilities Week Two – Material Possessions Week Three – People Alive Today Week Four – People Who Have Passed On Week Five – Things in Nature Week Six –  What about TODAY are you thankful for? […]

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