S’Mores and Cider

Here in Arizona the weather is already warming right up!
We still have a cool evening every now and then though…
Two things needed for the PERFECT cooler weather evening?

S’Mores and Cider!

They also help to make a perfect warmer weather evening if you go with cold instead of hot cider… But I digress. 🙂



My Hot Caramel Apple Cider recipe is SUPER easy!!
All you need is 1-2 gallons of store bought apple cider, an orange, some caramel syrup and a couple of cinnamon sticks.
Pour the cider into a crock pot about an hour before serving time so it can heat up.
Slice the orange, then add the slices and the cinnamon sticks right to your cider.
Your house is going to smell AMAZING while it warms up!



Once it’s ready squirt some caramel syrup in the bottom of your cup and fill with cider. Stir and sip!
It’s so yummy and so easy to do!
For S’Mores, we roast marshmallows over the fire pit in our backyard, then sandwich between two graham crackers with a hunk of chocolate. S’Mores are my favorite!!!



Chancey loves them too. 😉 Especially the roasting part.



Hubs and Kassi… A little smoked out from the fire…


You can have a fun, but inexpensive evening get together with your family this Easter weekend!
All you need is a little S’Mores and Cider! 🙂
Have fun lovelies!!!
Linking this here and here and .



  1. bethani says:

    what a great idea for the apple cider. going to have to try this sometime. if it ever gets and stays cold in texas during the fall/winter.

  2. The cider sounds absolutely delicious! I will definitely be adding this to the recipe list!

  3. Yum, I LOVE caramel apple cider! It’s totally perfect for any chilly day and we make it all the time when we’re putting up Christmas decorations and stuff. 🙂 Pinning this for sure!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Oh agreed!! Decorating is a great time to make some and enjoy it with the family! Thanks for the visit Jessi!!!


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