Bloggie Bestie – Tiffany of Life with the Little Man

Happy Thursday dolls!!!

Today we’d like to introduce you to….

Tiffanie of Life with the Little Man!

Gotta love a girl that’s organized!!! She’s sharing a FABULOUS organization tool with you dolls today! Enjoy!
And don’t forget to leave her some bloggie lovin’ below… AND some at her place where I’m sharing today! 😉


Hello! First I wanted to say THANK YOU to Kassi for asking me to be the Bloggie Bestie for the week!
I am sooooo excited to have the privilege to share my little blog with new people and I am excited to talk with you guys a little bit about my new bloggie love……… my Blog Binder….  sigh…….
I have a type A personality so it is important to me to keep my life in order. I thrive when someone asks me what I am doing on a date 2 months from now and I can pull out my life planner and be confident when I tell them that I am either free or available. With that being said, my life is CRAZY!!! I am always busy or feel like I always have something going on. I would go insane if I didn’t stay organized. My life planner is always jammed packed and there is barely room for extra things. (Here is a glimpse of my week last week…  It was actually a good week and I wasn’t that busy)

With that being said, I love my life planner but it seemed like there was no room to add my blog stuff and I desperately needed room to keep track of my blog. Introducing…..drum roll please…..

Isn’t it pretty?! Are you in love?…. Okay Okay… I may be getting ahead of myself here… perhaps you would like to know whats inside….
I have five different sections in my binder that are separated by tabs.

My Calendar: This is where I keep track of things going on with my blog. I write down when I will post certain things, when giveaways are ending, link ups that I want to participate in, and anything else that I want to be sure to do.
My To Do: I keep anything that needs to be done for my blog here. If I need to contact a company about a review, or if I needed to be sure to take pictures of something I would write it down here. Here is a link to the document that I use for my list.
My Reviews/Giveaways: This is where I keep notes about an upcoming giveaway or review I am doing for my blog. I write down the times I contact them, any important dates, and any notes about the giveaway. I love having my binder handy because when I get a product to review, I can keep all of my notes in one place so that when I go to write my review its a breeze. Here is a link to the document that I use.
My Advertising:  Here I kept all of my advertising stuff. I kept track of what company had ads on my blog, the start and end times of their ads, and any other information that I needed to keep track of for my ads. Since making this binder I have recently feel in love with a site called Passionfruit and I no longer use this section. If you have never heard of them and you sell ad space on your blog…. you seriously need to check them out. Its a wonderful site that keeps track of everything for you. All you have to do it set up the ad sizes and info and paste the codes to your blog. They take care of the rest. I don’t have to worry about putting ads up on certain days or taking them down once they expire, Passionfruit takes care of it all for me! How can you argue with that? For anyone that wants to keep track of this through paper still or are just curious as to what I did, here is the link to the document that I used before switching.
My Ideas/Inspiration: Next to my calendar, this is my favorite section! I love coming here when an idea pops into my head that I don’t want to forget. I keep plain white computer paper in this section along with a clear sheet protector page. If a find a color swatch or anything that sparks my inspiration, I just stick it in the page protector so I have it whenever I want it!
I hope you have enjoyed my rambling on about my binder and I hope that this has inspired you all to create a blog binder of your own (Heck… you might already have one and are thinking that I am slow on the up take!) I would love to hear any suggestions that you have for keeping your blog stuff organized or if you are  using a blog binder, I would love to hear what you do.
Thanks again to the lovely ladies at Truely Lovely for having me over!
 I hope to hear from ya soon!
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THANKS so much to Tiffanie for sharing her Blog Binder idea with us today!
I really need to work at getting all my blog info that organized!! :)
Have a lovely day dolls! Happy organizing!!!


  1. Thanks for asking me to be the Bloggie Bestie this week!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thank YOU for swapping with me today! :) Have a great rest of the week and weekend girl!!!

  2. A blog binder?! Pure genius! I never would have thought of that and all of my blogging ideas, giveaways, etc. are stored in the binder in my brain, which by the way, isn’t very reliable. Guess what I’m doing this weekend?! 😉

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right?! I have a calendar and a notebook… Time to combine and conquer! :)

  3. I have just recently decided I need such a thing :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Works wonders for clearing out the mind when it’s all on paper, right?! :)

  4. Love this idea. Thanks for sharing Tiffanie

  5. Ahh Love this! I just found your blog and am now following along! I’d love it if you’d check out mine if you have the time :)

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