Bloggie Bestie – Britney of Live Out Loud

Hey dolls! Let’s welcome a fun new Bloggie Bestie!
Britney has been our blog friend for a long time now… And she rocks! 🙂
By the way, I’m sharing over at her place, Live Out Loud today… hope you’ll stop by!
Take it away Britney!!!


Well hello there followers of this cool blog, aka Truly Lovely.  I am so excited to be a bloggie bestie here, it has been a dream of mine for like ever!  Kassi and Kayli’s new tag line…..
Making bloggers dreams come true one post at a time!  {Kassi here, LOVE IT!! 😉} Thank you girls for having me here today.

My name is Britney, you can call me Brit, B, babe, hottie, hottie B, whateve I am easy.  You can find me here, blogging about stuff and life.  I know they, they as in the expert bloggers, say you should pick a theme and ride it out, but that doesn’t work for me or my blog, so you will find pretty much anything and everything that I find interesting on that day.  Like a buffet of blog posts, AYCE, of course.

My family and I recently moved to Singapore and I have been experimenting with new Asia like recipes, and I was so excited to share some thing new and fabulous with you on here today, but this got in the way.

That is my MIL, my little J, and me on an elephant in Thailand.  We just got back, and by just I mean 4 days ago.  My kids have eaten Mac-and-Cheese for dinner the last four nights.  Although I do make a mean Mac-and-Cheese, I doubt that you would appreciate a tutorial on it.  Instead how about I tell you about my addiction to dipping fruit in chocolate.  I will dip pretty much anything and everything, fruit related, in the dark sweet goodness.  Here is my latest creation.

Pear, pineapple, and banana, on a toothpick because I’m fancy like that.  I could break it down, but I won’t insult your intelligence.






Easy as that.  Not quite an Asian master piece, if you want of of those, check this out, but it is what I can muster the energy to do,  and here is a confession, it wasn’t even originally my idea.  I saw it here first.  Of course, they used strawberries, I would love to use strawberries, but since all the strawberries here come from the USA, and that means they are super expensive.  Greedy Americans, keeping all the berries for themselves.  Since I slacked on this post, maybe my kids will have something other than noodles and powder cheese for dinner, maybe not though.

A huge thanks to Kayli and Kassi for letting me and my elephant invade their space!  I hope to see you all over here soon.  We can swap recipes and compare cleavage pictures.  What, you don’t do that.  Oh, just the recipes then that will be fun too.  Later gators!  XOXO


Isn’t she awesome! 🙂 She’s been sharing some really sweet posts about Singapore here lately… This one and this one are some of my favorites!

Hope you’ll check out Britney’s blog and let her know we sent you! 🙂