Bloggie Bestie – The Creative Paige

Hello lovelies!!!
We’d like to introduce you to Paige of The Creative Paige today!!!
She’s here to share a few of the thrifty projects she’s worked on recently.
Take it away Paige!!!!


I’m Paige and I’m so excited to be here at Truly Lovely as a Bloggie Bestie!

I love finding cheap ways to make things look great and you’ll find that and a lot more over at my blog, The Creative Paige. Today Kassi is over there sharing a delicious new recipe that you should definitely check out.

Today, I hope to inspire you to run out and scour your closest thrift store because, I’ll admit it, I love thrift stores. There’s something so exciting about finding a great item in the midst of everyone’s junk.

And, of course, I love the price.

Recently I’ve been finding some fabulous items at local thrift stores. Unfortunately, I was so excited when I got them home that I forgot to take before pictures! So, you all get to see the awesome “afters” and have to trust me that the “befores” were pretty rough.

Here are a few of my most recent treasures:

Broken Mirror w/shelf —> Children’s Art Display

This was a pine frame with a broken mirror in it. I got it at an antique mall on clearance (because the mirror had a huge crack through it). We (very carefully) took the broken mirror out and discarded it. Then, I spray painted it, white washed and sanded until I got a weathered blue color. I attached wire to the back using the brackets that used to hold the mirror in and bought mini clothespins from Hobby Lobby. Now, we have a perfect spot to showcase our boys’ artwork in their playroom. The pegs serve as a great place for dress up items.


Outdated Photo Board —> Chic Mail Station

We have been looking for a place to stick current bills for a while and I stumbled across a hanging cork board with a small bin below it at Goodwill. It cost me $2.99! It was a slightly boring cherry wood color with beige fabric. I took it apart, spray painted it with Soft Yellow Rustoleum, covered the cork board with chevron fabric from Hobby Lobby and ouila! I love it more than I could have even imagined! Now it seems too cute to put nasty ol’ bills in…


Old Mirror —> Trendy Striped Mirror

This beauty cost me $3 at Goodwill on a 50% off Saturday and it was tucked behind lots of other frames. I knew when I saw it, I could do something cool with it. I painted it with white craft paint, then taped off the diagonal stripes and spray painted it yellow.


Dirty Wall Cabinet —> Who knows?

This is my next project! I got it at Savers for $6 and am not quite sure what I’m going to do with it. I know it is going to go in our downstairs bathroom to hold toilet paper and other necessities. I can’t decide if I should go bold (like aqua) or do something more classic (like white). The good thing is, I can always paint it again if I absolutely hate it.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my favorite thrift store makeovers – and I hope you feel inspired to do some of your own. You can always stop by and share your discoveries at my weekly Link Party – the Creative Genius Link Party every weekend!

Thanks, Kassi and Kayli, for letting me steal your spotlight for today!


Thanks so much to sweet Paige for sharing her fun projects with us today!!! I NEED a chic mail station in my house ASAP! Hope you’re having a lovely Thursday friends!

Interested in being the next Bloggie Bestie??? Learn more here.


  1. These are adorable re-do’s! LOVE the mail station, I must be on the look out for something like that…we are currently keeping our mail in a mixing bowl…its red and cute but not that cute 😉

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right!?! All of our mail gets shoved in a kitchen drawer!! Not cute at all! haha! Thanks for the visit today Lauren!!!

  2. such cute projects! going over to follower her cute blog now!!!

  3. Love it! I am creative , but when I go to a thrift store I honestly have no idea what I would do with any of it! The inspiration strikes at home lol

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I’m kind of like that as well! I see a need for something in my home, then I go out and find what I need to make it happen! haha

  4. i seriously love that chic mail station! and i know that cabinet is going to look awesome when youre done, it already has such a great design to it!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      She’s so creative with this stuff!?! Excited to see what becomes of that cabinet as well!

  5. I love all of these projects! SO fun. I want to go to Goodwill and find about a dozen things to redo now!


  1. […] blogging over at Truly Lovely today with some thrift store makeovers, but I can’t wait for you guys to hear from Kassi of […]

  2. […] case you missed it, I’m guest posting today over at Truly Lovely – check out my most recent thrift store makeovers. Don’t forget this Saturday (July […]

  3. […] Thrifty Projects […]

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