Back to School Brittany

Hi there lovelies! 

For the first official sponsor spotlight of August let’s introduce you to August’s theme!

Back to School!!!

Each of our lovely sponsors has shared a school related photo as well as the answers to a few school related interview questions! Read through, get to know these pretties… You’ll LOVE them. We do! 😉

So first up this month, one of our fun XL sponsors

Befriend Brittany:

* Blog * * *

 About Miss Brittany – She is a psychology student who likes to bake cupcakes, has a poodle named Laci and a thing for making lists. Speaking of lists she has a Life List that includes fun things like getting her bachelor degree in psychology then getting into grad school. She also wants to get a tattoo, run a 5K and go on a cruise!

Brittany is brand new to blogging… Only blogging since May. Right now as of “press time” she has nearly 50 followers… What do you say we help her make it pass that 50 and on closer to 100!!! 😉
She really is a sweetheart that writes a fun blog and will be a lovely bloggie friend to have in this blog world!

Enjoy your Sunday pretties!!!

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