Back to School Medium Ad Lovelies

Happy weekend lovelies!!!
Remember August’s Sponsor Spotlight theme???

Back to School!!!

Each of our lovely sponsors has shared a school related photo as well as the answers to a few school related interview questions! Read through, get to know these pretties… You’ll LOVE them. We do! ;)

Today we are thrilled to introduce you to our medium ad sponsors!



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So… do tell friends!! What was YOUR fave subject in school?
Fave extracurricular?
Fave school lunch???

Happy rest of the weekend!!!!


  1. My favourite subject was English. I loved it so much, I started teaching it. :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s how Kayli is (my sister) she loves it, so she’s going to teach it.

  2. Is lunch a subject? No? Okay, then English was my favorite subject, Library Club was my favorite extracurricular, (yes, I was a total nerd), and mac and cheese was my favorite lunch.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers tend to prefer English! haha. But lunch was always the funnest, right!?!

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