Bloggie Bestie – Larissa of Papa is a Preacher

Hi there lovelies! 

We have a BRAND new Bloggie Bestie to introduce you to today!
Larissa of Papa is a Preacher!!

We owe her a BIG thank you too, because she was kind enough to switch with another Bestie we had scheduled that had an emergency and couldn’t do it today. SO THANKS LARISSA!!!


Hello Truly Lovely readers! First of all I’d like to thank Truly Lovely for giving me this wonderful opportunity and honor to share a little something with their readers.

My name is Larissa. I blog over at Papa is a Preacher, and today I have a simple and fun DIY project to share with you all. As do many (if not most) girls, I absolutely love hair accessories. Headbands, clips, flowers, you name it!

Recently I found a very easy way to make my very own inexpensive hair clips! Basically what we’ll be doing is giving regular bobby pins and hair clip tic tacs a little sprucing up and personalizing them a little bit. I had a couple of old tic tacs that were beginning to lose their paint and look their age. This was a great way to cover them up and still be able to use them!

Here’s what you need, and how to make your very own hair accessories:
















See? I told you it was super simple! I had lots of fun putting these together and they’re so versatile! You can make one to match any outfit and have lots of fun making different combinations.

I hope you all enjoyed and that you have fun! I also hope you’ll hop on over to Papa is a Preacher and learn more about us. We’re a great little community and are always having fun over there!

How cute are those sweet hair pretties! Thanks so much for the tutorial Larissa!!! Hope you dolls will stop by her place and see the post I’m sharing today! You know me… It’s another EASY craft! 😉

Happy crafting!!!


  1. Those are cute 🙂
    I’m amused that you call it a tic tac. Growing up I called them barrettes.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I’d never heard them called tic tacs either! Too fun right!? 🙂

    • I confess I was wondering what to call them. Growing up mom called them tic tacs (that’s what they’re called in Brazil. I suppose it’s referring to the sound they make?) So I googled tic tac hair clips and they came up .. so I just went with it. hehe

  2. These are super cute! Thanks for sharing. I admit I’ve never heard them called tic tacs either 😉

  3. Hi there! Had to pop over and say Hi here! I love your DIY hair accessories..I have so many crafty supplies, that I will have to try this and make a bunch for my niece! Thanks for the inspiration….. Glad you linked this blog..Off to check out the fun stuff on here!

  4. I always called them hair clips, but I think tic tacs are more fun 🙂
    I have three little girls I watch that will be quite thrilled with these!

  5. Wow.. Awesome post! I feel very happy to visit your blog. Thanks for sharing this post with us….

  6. Such a well done tutorial and I just love the result! These would be so fun to make with my daughter. Thanks!

  7. Very impressive, Larissa! I didn’t know you were this crafty! These are gorgeous little barrettes. Did you cut the felt shapes out yourself or buy them somewhere. Lovely!

    • I’m glad you like, Tiff. (: Well I was going to buy the felt and cut them myself, but I couldn’t find any felt pieces in a hurry. I had one afternoon to put the post together, so I did it the easy way and bought them already cut. (: Everything, even the glue for the glue gun, I purchased at the dollar store! (Minus the glue gun itself, of course) It was super easy and lots of fun, as well as inexpensive!