Bloggie Bestie – Myranda of Pretty Living PDX

Hi there lovelies! 
We would like to introduce you to…
Myranda of Pretty Living PDX!!
She is just a complete sweetheart… and she has a uh…. interesting post to share with you….
haha. Read on!

Hello Truly Lovelies, my name is Myranda and I blog over at Pretty Living PDX, I am so happy to be the Bloggie Bestie this week here on Truly Lovely! On my blog you will find post about my weight loss, my family, and our everyday life. I am a mom of 3 and wife to 1 and we live with my parents, needless to say our house can get very interesting!

I am embarrassed to say that my toilet has not been cleaned in a couple of months er weeks… between full-time classes, 3 little girls, a blog and household needs such as eating, the cleaning has been placed on the back burner.

This is actually a picture of my toilet, I know pretty nasty right? Try not to lose your breakfast

I have been looking for all natural cleaning solutions, so we can avoid using too many chemicals in our house.I have asthma and so does my daughter, so I want to cut down on cleaning fumes.

Naturally when I need to find anything I head on over to , because undoubtedly it has been pinned by one of my lovely friends. I recently found a recipe for cleaning toilets that only involves 2 ingredients, white vinegar and baking soda, so I was all in!

*Pour 1 cup vinegar into toilet bowl, let sit for 30 minutes (mine was more like 45)

*Come back, dip toilet brush in toilet (to get wet)

*Sprinkle some baking soda on brush

*Scrub the toilet bowl (inside)- Keep sprinkling brush with baking soda until it is gone- I used about 1/2 cup

If you don’t care for the scent of vinegar, you can sprinkle a few drops of essential oils into the baking soda and mix. I don’t LOVE the smell of vinegar, but it dissipates very quickly.

This is my toilet after, yes order has been restored in the world!
Doesn’t it look 100% better?
Just 2 ingredients, that I found in my kitchen, took my toilet from nasty to sparkling. Try this one today!

Next on my list to try are:

I hope you will come visit me at Pretty Living PDX!


Pictures of a toilet on Truly Lovely?? I know right!?! haha. But a clean toilet is LOVELY, don’t you think? 😉
Thanks for sharing with us today Myranda!
And for being the Bloggie Bestie this week! I’m over at her place sharing my first Halloween post of 2012!
Hope you’ll pop over and say hello!


  1. I will have to try this! Do you know how well it works with hard water rings? Those things are killing me!

  2. Glad to see the site is back up!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You and me both. It was a glitch in the server I guess so it was only down an hour or so… scared me though!

  3. Haha that was funny! Not the post, it was good, but your reaction to having a photo of a toilet on
    your blog… cracked me up!!!

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