Guilty pleasures, relaxation and a GIVEAWAY!

As the holidays get closer and closer… preparations for gifts, decorations, dinners, guests and more are all under way. It can get a little overwhelming, right? Sometimes you just need to chill out and take a break!!! At least I do.

Honestly, one of my favorite ways to recoup and relax during the cooler months is to sit on the couch with a warm drink and a magazine! PEOPLE Magazine is one of my favorite guilty pleasures! They always have the scoop on what your favorite celebrities are up to… who they’re dating, what they’re wearing! You can find out all the latest juicy Hollywood news in just one issue.

I know it might seem a little bit shallow, but I kind of pride myself on knowing the latest celebrity gossip. Nobody wants to be the last to know who J.Lo is dating… especially if he’s so much younger! πŸ˜‰ Or who this year’s recipient is of the Sexiest Man Alive title! Bradley Cooper is definitely a favorite… πŸ˜‰

Sure, I care how the economy is doing, I worry about crime statistics, I even stress over political issues… But personally, I need a break from the heavier news headlines from time to time! Don’t you??? And PEOPLE Magazine is often the perfect distraction!

Speaking of the Sexiest Man Alive… PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue will be available in stores on November 15th! How’s that for ‘needing a break from the stressful holiday planning’ timing! It will only be available for two weeks so don’t miss out on getting your own copy!

I already told you Bradley Cooper is one of my favorites… πŸ˜‰
But who do YOU think will win the Sexiest Man Alive for this year?
If you could have a vote in choosing who it might be, who would YOU vote for??
Hugh Jackman is never a bad choice! πŸ˜‰

To celebrate the upcoming  PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue they’re giving one lucky Truly Lovely winner a $20 gift card to Walgreens!
To enter you only have to answer one question….
Giveaway will end at midnight on November 20th and winner will be announced that day!
Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy READING lovelies!!!

β€œThis shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Groupβ„’, but all my opinions are my own”


  1. Bradley Cooper! :)

  2. Got to be Jensen Ackles. πŸ˜€

  3. This list could get long: Mark Wahlberg #1 Just because I love him. Channing Tatum, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gossling, I obviously have a thing for buff white guys πŸ˜‰

  4. Oh wait! Past Issue: Matthew McConaughey, Hands Down!

  5. Megan Cromes says:

    johnny depp will!;)

  6. Hugh Jackman

  7. Hugh Jackman

  8. I’m gonna go Matt Damon–I’ve always thought he was cute!

  9. Bradley Cooper

  10. After seeing Bradley Cooper on Live with Kelly the other day, I HAVE to choose him. He seems so down to Earth, and like you could have a conversation with him about whatever.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I agree! He seems to be somewhat normal as far as male celebrities go, right!?! Thanks for entering friend. Good luck!

  11. Yes! Reading People, OK, US Weekly, etc. is definitely one of my favorite guilty pleasures! So excited about this giveaway! I’m not sure who has been my favorite sexiest man alive, but I can’t wait to find out who is this years!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      There’s been so many great ones, it’s hard to choose, right!?! Thanks for entering Britney! Good luck!!!

  12. Mary Happymommy says:

    Richard Gere

  13. Tabathia B says:

    Denzel Washington

  14. Laura Jacobson says:

    Johnny Depp :)

  15. I think something’s wrong with my computer, but I can’t see the giveaway. Ah, oh well!

    I’m so out of touch – I never know what’s going on in Hollywood!!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Ack! I couldn’t see it either this morning so I updated the form… looks like it’s working now!

  16. My all time favorite is George Clooney! And he is still as handsome and sexy!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I agree!!! He’s one that just gets better with age! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for entering and good luck!

  17. My husband is of course the sexiest man in my eyes. Of course he won’t make the cover of People magazine…………..but I would say for me it’s Tom Hanks. It’s more than just hunky good looks (they don’t hurt though), he seems like a genuinely kind man, making him very sexy to me.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You’ve got that right!!!! I feel the same way about my hubs… and honestly, I prefer he doesn’t make it to the cover of People… The ladies of the world don’t need to know what they’re missing…. hahaha. Thanks for entering Laurie!!!

  18. Jennifer Marie says:

    matt damon!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Absolutely! He’s been a popular choice I see… :) Thanks for entering and good luck!

  19. In my book it would still be Tom Hanks.. there’s just something about that man πŸ˜‰

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right?!? It seems like he can do anything!!!! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for entering and good luck!

  20. I’m thinking this year’s pick of Channing Tatum was a good one!

  21. George Clooney :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  22. Bradley Cooper – he has a nice smile

  23. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    Brad Pitt is my favorite!

  24. I don’t keep track of these things, but I will say that the sexiest person isn’t a celebrity, but they are the only ones in the running. We have a retail store in a mall and I see 30 year old mothers who are more beautiful than any women you will ever see on TV.

  25. Thomas Murphy says:

    Bradley Cooper

  26. Kathy Artis says:

    johnny depp is one of my favorite
    coupon.artis at gmail dot com

  27. George Clooney or Brad Pitt — it’s a tie!

  28. Bradley Cooper

  29. Patrick Dempsey!

  30. Ryan Reynolds!

  31. Barbara Montag says:

    Richard Gere for me – thank you!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Ah yes…. Pretty Woman is one of my fave movies!!! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for entering!!! Good luck!

  32. Hugh Jackman

  33. hugh jackman

  34. It’s a tie between Hugh Jackman and Sean Connery :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      The accents! Those are definitely a bonus!!!! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for entering!!! Good luck!

  35. And sometimes when you catch up on emails you totally miss out!! Did you see my post? I guessed write and made a funny that’s still cracking me up! #everyonesacomedian


  1. […] Magazine? What are your thoughts on this year’s Sexiest Man Alive?? Oh! And did you see that Laura won our giveaway?? CONGRATS […]

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