Fancy This Fridays #109 and Features

Happy Friday lovelies!!! The end of another week!

My husband has been away at a work training all week and finally comes home today! Hate to be a whiner, but I don’t like being home by myself… especially at night. And thus the reason I hadn’t mentioned he was gone before now. Public service announcement: Telling the whole internet-sphere that your husband/significant other will be away for awhile is just inviting trouble. Don’t do it peeps. Stay safe instead. I only say that because I have friends that tend to announce that kind of thing on their Facebook status… I cringe every time. You just never know!!!

OK, onto happier things, like features from last week’s party!!!

First up, how cool are these ice lanterns from Kirsten of Craftiments?!?! It think it’s probably too warm here already for me to pull this off, but if we get a cold spell I am SO going to try this!!!

Next, Melissa of Redfly Creations shares the DIYer’s Guide to Family Portraits. Just getting into photography myself, I can tell you her tips are spot on!

And to round out this week’s features, Courtney of The Chirping Moms shared an easy but yummy sounding recipe for Crock Pot Chicken. Who doesn’t love a new crock pot recipe!?!?

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have a fun weekend!!!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. Great features, Kassi! Those ice lanterns are stunning! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    Thank you for hosting!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting!!

    Jenna @

  4. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week end…hugs, Penny

  5. Thanks for featuring us!!! Love the ideas we find on your link up:)


  6. Yay for the hubster coming home!! Thanks for the reminder about sharing TMI on FB, if I do, I’ll be sure to share the fact that I’m also heavily armed, lol :)

  7. Thank you for the feature! Love the others too. Thanks for hosting the party!

  8. Thanks for hosting, ladies! Hope you have a Truly Lovely weekend. :)
    xo Heidi

  9. I love those ice lanterns – they are so freaking cool!

    And I totally agree about the whole broadcasting your big strong man is gone thing. Not. Smart.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Right?! I want to make some… Maybe it’ll stay cold enough this week!

      And I see people doing that all the time! You’ve heard it’s not smart to tell everyone when you won’t be at home, I think that’s almost the same thing! Not that I can’t take care of myself, but why even put it out there just in case!?!

  10. Those ice candles look so cool! That would be fun to make

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Don’t they!?! What a fun thing for an evening get together to light the way to the door! I want to make some! :)

  11. I’m totally the same way about the announcement of being home alone :) Glad he is home now! Love the ice lanterns! Seriously so cool!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  12. Those ice lanterns are great! Be neat to find glass versions of those that mimic the design.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Agreed! I think they look so cool! That and ice versions wouldn’t last long in Arizona, so glass would be nice to have!


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