What I’m Reading

Hi there friends!
I don’t normally post about books, but I am an avid reader. Always have been. I guess I’ve talked about that fact before, but actually blogging about what I’m reading hasn’t really been a thing here. But the New Year is a time for new things, right, so today let’s talk books!

To start off 2013 I’m thinking 50 new books for this year’s reading challenge. I did 30+ for 2012 and I didn’t really start the challenge until well into the year… So I’m thinking I can handle it. Right now I’m at zero, but it’s only the second week of 2013 and I am actually reading something as we speak. So off to a good start, yes? πŸ˜‰


2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 0 books toward her goal of 50 books.


I’m currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. My sister in law brought it to me over the holidays and raves about it. She normally has good taste, so it should be a good one. πŸ˜‰

On my soon to read list are the Stephanie Plum novels Four through, well, how many are there now… Eighteen? I really enjoyed the first three, it’s just a matter of rounding up the rest to read.

New on my reading radar thanks to Amanda of Serenity Now’s reading list is One Bite at a Time and Lights Out. The first is a compilation of 52 projects for making life simpler,  and who doesn’t want that!?! The second sounds like an interesting read, the electricity goes out everywhere and the main character has to protect his family in this new world without things we all take for granted.

Once in awhile I like a non-fiction sort of autobiographical book… So right now I’m looking forward to reading Gabby, A Story of Courage and Hope and A Stolen Life. I feel like there’s always something to be learned from our own trials but also the trials of others.

You can see the rest of my To Read list on GoodReads here.
So tell me… Have you read any of the ones I mentioned? What’d you think?
What are you reading now or looking forward to reading in the new year?

Linking this here:


  1. I’m reading Sophie Kinsella, I’ve Got Your Number, so far pretty good! And just finished Kristen Hannah, Winter Garden—great read! Gone Girl is next on my list;)


    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Ooh haven’t heard of those two yet, definitely looking into those! Thanks!!!

  2. I’m doing a reading challenge this year, too (85 is my magic number). I’m about mid-way through Gone Girl, and it’s interesting but intense.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Ooh nice!!! 85 seems like a lot! Hoping I can get through my measly 50. πŸ˜‰ Gone Girl is crazy intense, right?! So hard to put down!

  3. I just picked up Gone Girl from the library! Can’t wait to read it πŸ˜€

  4. You are going to FLY through the Janet Evanovich series. I think I read them all in a matter of days. I heard Gone Girl was really good too. I just finished Fairy Tale Interrupted which is good, it’s written from JFK Jr.’s assisitant so it’s neat to read about him. The Art of Racing in the Rain was really good too! I look forward to seeing you hitting that awesome goal!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I really enjoyed the first three and loved the movie! Have you seen it? Finished Gone Girl yesterday… it’s INTENSE! On to the next one now! :) Thanks for these suggestions have to look some of them up and add them to my list!

  5. ooh the Gillian Flynn books are really good!

  6. I’ve only read the first book in the Stephanie Plum series, but really enjoyed it. Another of my favorites is the Sookie Stackhouse series b Charlaine Harris………….if you like reading about vampires. I see a few on your list that I’d like to read. I get a lot of my books through Paperback Swap. You swap books you’ve read for ones you’d like to read. You just pay the shipping on the books you send out, which normally doesn’t cost more than a few bucks. Even though I have a Nook and love it, I still like the smell and feel of a real book. Yes, I said smell! Happy reading!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      I hear ya on that one. I have an e reader as well, but sometimes a real book just feels better in your hands! :) Thanks for the suggestions! Off to look them up!!!

  7. Hmmm I love to read. Being a speed reader though, I have no clue how many I read in one year. I did a count once and had read close to 20 in one month. But that’s unusual.
    Trying to think of some books to recommend and would you know, I’m totally coming up blank! The last few books Ive read are kinda scyfi and setcin 20 years from now or more, its pretty interesting, even if not exactly real.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Yeah 20 in one month would be a lot!! :) My problem is finding the time. I get engrossed in a book and want to just sit and read the whole thing, but you can’t do that very often… haha.
      I’m the same way, that’s why I love GoodReads so much, it keeps my list all handy right there whenever I need it. :) And no, this wasn’t a sponsored post, haha I just really like it. πŸ˜‰

  8. Wow, so many books! I seem to never find the time to read…I knit in my free time but I should definitely make more time for all the books waiting for me on my nightstand.
    Gone Girl seems to be a good one, been hearing a lot about it!
    Hugs xxx

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s the trouble right?! Not enough free time to go around!!! Gone Girl was good! Crazy. But good. :) Highly recommend it!

  9. I haven’t read any of those. I’m interested in doing the challenge! I’m not sure how many books I read every year, but I love reading so I think I could do it! :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You could definitely do it!!! Oh, and don’t stress about the number. You can always pick a number and edit it a little bit based on how you’re doing if you want to.

  10. Gone Girl was crazy! And I’m reading the Alexandra Barnaby series by Janet Evanovich right now… just because there wasn’t a waiting list for those.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Crazy is the correct term! Sheesh…. I didn’t even realize she had another series! Good to know!

  11. ooh that “One Bite At A Time” book looks really interesting. And something that I can definitely use, ha. Love reading!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      So I am a little over half way through One Bite At a Time now… It has SO many good tips! For real. Definitely recommend it!!


  1. […] there friends! Remember my what I’m reading post where I talked about wanting to read ‘One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Simplifying Your […]

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