The Color Run AZ 2014

One of the wishes on my 20 wishes 2014 list was to take my daughter to her second Color Run. Technically her first time was as a passenger in mommy’s tummy. But this year she got to ride in her stroller!

Color Run

I got a rain cover for her stroller to keep the color from getting thrown in her face. When she gets older she’ll probably think the color is fun, but she’s too little to enjoy it this year.

We did the race with the same team as last year. My sister, Kayli, and sisters in law Brianne and Arina. The Color Run is a seriously good time!

Color Run 3

We went to the AZ Color Run in Tempe, AZ and got to run around Tempe Town Lake again this year. Here you can see some of the color stations across the lake.

Color Run 2

At the end of the race we had our own little color throwing ‘party’ because I didn’t want to take Klara into the big group of people by the stage. But it was still lots of fun!!

Color Run 4

Color Run 6

If you’ve never been to a color run, I highly recommend it!! It’s a great excuse to get into shape and a fun event to do with your family and/or friends.

So there we go, another of my 20 wishes marked off the list!

Klara and Mommy

How are your wishes coming along? Remember to come back with your progress the last Wednesday of this month, February 26th.



  1. I love how messy all that color looks! Klara is so C U T E ! ! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      It is SO messy and SO fun because of it! :) And thank you! We just love that little stinker. 😉

  2. how fun! you go mamma! my teens always want to do that run….looks like a blast!

  3. I did the one in Tempe last year but not this year! Looks a lot more fun this year since it wasn’t pouring down rain! But even then it was so fun!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      We did it last year too and had a great time in the rain. I was glad it didn’t rain this year since I had my daughter, but otherwise I wouldn’t have minded because it was such a blast either way!

  4. How fun – looks like you ladies had a blast! A color run is definitely something I want to do someday! Happy weekend xxx

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      We did! It’s always the best time! You definitely should go if you ever get the chance! You’ll love it!!


  1. […] Friday friends!!! How was your week? In case you missed it I shared our 2014 The Color Run experience this […]

  2. […] 11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller! We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here. […]

  3. […] 11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller! We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here. […]

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