Ok Mamas… I Get It Now.

I was one of those women. I’ve been around children my entire life. I have a ‘kid’ sister. I became an auntie at a young age. I felt like I was born to be a mommy. I also knew things always happen that you don’t expect so in that aspect I felt like I was even prepared for the unexpected.

What I wasn’t prepared for was that I would love a little girl I had just met with such an incredible intensity. That I would hold her in my arms and already know that I would do anything for her.


I wasn’t prepared to miss one little person even just while she took an hour long nap. I didn’t know that a toothy little grin especially for me would be able to change the outlook of my entire day.

mom and klara

I had no idea I would hate to leave her even just to go out for a couple of hours. That I would be so thrilled to teach my girl to clap her hands, wave bye bye and give a kiss.

Klara in chair

I didn’t know that I would appreciate and love those special people in my life even more because of this one little person. That I would love my husband even more after seeing him become a daddy. That I would be so grateful for my own mom and dad, my siblings, grandparents, etc.

Each and every one of these things that I wasn’t prepared for are some of the things I love most about being miss Klara’s mommy. So mommies that told me, just wait, it’s more amazing than you could ever imagine… Now I get it.

Friends and family members that are about to become mothers soon or will sometime in your future, you have no idea what an amazing experience you’re in for!!! Just you wait.


  1. Yes. Just… yes to this whole post. Crazy, isn’t it!?

  2. She’s a very lovely girl .Thank you for beautiful photos.

  3. So true! Being a mom is one of the most amazing things.


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