Kassi’s 30 Before 30

30 Things to do Before I Turn 30! 


Without revealing my exact age (because that’s creepy, and I worry about people knowing too much personal info), let’s just say I’m in my 20s and have some years before I hit 30…
And because I love lists! Lists of books to read, things to get done around the house, pretties to make…

 I plan to list my 30 goals and then keep you posted on my progress via this page as I accomplish and cross off each one! If you’d like to join me and make your own list that would be AWESOME! Just tweet me the link to your list so I can follow along with YOUR progress too! @kassarie Any age milestone will work by the way! It doesn’t have to be 30!

Kassi’s 30 Before 30
(in no particular order)!

1. Purchase my first home!
{The mister and I closed on our first house on April 18, 2011!!}

Photo prior to painting that ugly green door! haha!

 2. Become Mrs. M. 
{I married my best friend on July 9, 2011!!!}

3. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover. 


 4. Visit THREE new places that I’ve never been before! 

5. Attend SNAP! Conference!

6. Attend at least two other blogger events (i.e. meet ups, work shops, etc.)

7. Grow this Truly Lovely blog with Miss Kayli!
Our Goal: 1,000 subscribers in five years (from Nov. 2010+)

8.  Visit Disney Land with my little family. 

9. Make a scrapbook of my trip to Australia. 

10. Complete a full Photo a Day monthly challenge. 
{I completed the May Photo A Day Challenge 2012! AND the June 2012 challenge! You can see those photos on Instagram username: Kassarie!}

11. Rope with Mr. M in an actual team roping. 

12. Create a lovely and functional craft room in my house. 

13. Visit a winery and do a wine tasting. 


14. Visit THREE new states that I haven’t visited before! 
(Not to be combined with three new places mentioned in #4.)

15. Create and establish an Etsy store with handmade items!

16. Build a piece of furniture to be used in my house. 

17. Complete my yearly reading goal!
I completed my 2012 reading challenge on GoodReads!
I also completed my 2013 goal of 50 books in one year!
I’m aiming for even more books this year!

18. Take a fitness class. 

19. Read THREE Classic Novels

20. Visit Build a Bear and build a bear for Klara! 
In January 2014 we paid a visit to the Chandler Mall Build a Bear and made Klara one of her very own!
You can read all about our experience here.

Klara's First Build a Bear

21. Host a just for fun party for my girlfriends with invites, dinner, the whole she-bang!

22. Participate in a charitable marathon. 
{Me, Kayli and our friend Mindy participated in the Battle for Brigham on March 3, 2012.}

23. Move Truly Lovely from Blogger to WordPress and become self hosted. 
{Done and done! Completed during March 2012!}

24. Go on a sisters retreat with my sisters in law and Kayli. 

25. Take an anniversary/honeymoon trip with the mister. We didn’t go anywhere for our honeymoon!

 It took us until September 2012, but we finally went on a just for us anniversary trip!! We went to Scottsdale, AZ and stayed a night at The Saguaro Resort. We did some shopping (hubs got a new cowboy hat, I got new jeans), chose fun places to eat out (like Famous Dave’s BBQ, SO GOOD!) and we went swimming in their super nice pool.


We also spent a few hours walking around Old Town Scottsdale and bought some dreams catchers for the niece and nephew (they’ve really been wanting one since they first saw the one I have). LOTS of fun! I really, really recommend taking a trip, even just a quick overnight-er, with just your significant other. So good for both of us!

26. Make a budget and stick to it for at least a full month! 

27. Get together a full 72 hour Emergency Preparedness Kit

28. Pay off my credit card! 

29. Become a mommy. 

In July of 2013 little miss Klara Beth blessed our lives beyond measure! I am so thrilled and lucky to be her mommy!


30. Plan and throw a big 30th birthday bash!  


  1. I’m visiting from Kathy’s blog. You are making good progress on your list! I only gave myself 1 year for my 30 before 30, and I got all but 4 done or something. Now I’m just trying to finish my 30 before 30 before my 101 in 1001 list runs out! We’ll see how that goes. Your new house is super cute.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks for the visit Laura! Sounds like you had a busy 29th year! That’s the fun of it though, right!? :)

  2. Good for you Kassi! A lot of people your age (not that I know what that is) are still renting. You’re very lucky you were able to purchase a home of your own. I’m so happy for you. Build A Bear sounds like fun!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Laurie!! We are so blessed to have our home. I can’t wait to make a Build a Bear.. always wanted to! 😉

  3. fun! i’ve never made one of these lists before, but now I think I want to try!!! hmmmm what to put on my list 😛

  4. Great list I am 31 and still working on most of what is on your list. Good job and keep it up.

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