Brownie Covered Oreos

Mint Oreo Brownies
The sweet ladies at work provided me with several festive treats last week… To thank them for THEIR goodies, I decided to make some goodies of my own. Even though it’s past Christmas, it’s still Holiday time, so I made my first batch of Brownie Covered Oreos, Kassi’s version!
I first saw the idea here, at Ashley’s Antics. She has some really fun ideas, and entertaining posts, for sure! 🙂
For my variation, I chose to use Mint Oreos, because I LOVE mint, and thought it would be fun to have the green in the middle… I also bought the family size brownie mix, because Ashley had said that one box didn’t make very many…
I used the Marshmallow Icing Brownie Topping from Betty Crocker, instead of the glaze that Ashley used… Bad choice… I’ll tell you about that in a second… Some Cool Mint Oreos, and some plain, just because…
Simply follow the directions on the box for mixing up your brownies, then I just tossed a few oreos in the bowl, made sure they were covered in brownie mix and spooned them (well I used a huge fork… but you get the idea…) into a muffin pan.
Just an FYI, if you drip a little extra brownie mix over the oreos in the pan, they’ll come out a little thicker and a little nicer…
Then I stuck them in the oven to bake. When they were done, I let the pan cool for a few minutes, then took a butter knife to loosen the edges and pop them out of the pan onto wax paper to cool.

This is where I was a little upset with my icing choice… The Brownie Topping leads you to believe you can just drip the icing on top of the brownie and be done with it… Guess what? You can’t. It’s too thick as it comes out of the tube to have a nice glazed look, so you have to glob it on, then spread it out, like normal icing… Silly, fibbing icing package… Oh well.
Anyway, I iced the brownies, and feeling they needed a little something extra, sprinkled them with Cinnamon Sugar. 

I couldn’t resist getting a picture of the green mint center… And they were so yummy!!! I’m so glad I bought enough to make more! 😉 Guess what I’m doing again tonight… Yummy mint brownies for my house!
Once they were all fancied up, I put two in each of the little Ziploc bags and wrote, “Happy Holidays from Kassi”. There you go co-workers! Hope you enjoy!!!

And that fun little Christmas food carrier I got at Wal-mart for $3… Put to good use yet again! Yay!! 🙂

If you try these, we would love to see how yours come out! And if you have any variations, we would love to see those too!!!
And thanks to Ashley for the idea!!!
That makes one “Lovely Idea We’re Dying to Try” from our sidebar list… Done! And a Success!


  1. So glad you liked them! They tasted so so so good. Def. try the glaze next time OR melt some white chocolate in the microwave and drizzle on top. Yum!

  2. Hey hi you doing? I came across your site and I saw the mint oreo brownies and they look GOOD! made me want some. lol. I would love for you to check

  3. Hi, those brownies look amazing, made me want some. lol. I came across your page and saw the post so decided to read and i like the page. I would love for you to check out my girlfriend and i started, i would greatly appreciate it. Again love the page pretty cool and thanks

  4. These look good! I'm following you now!

  5. YUMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Thanks so much for linking these up to gettin' crafty on hump day! 🙂

  6. These look sooooo good. I'm horrible at baking, but I bet I could give these a shot. Love the mint center!

  7. Thanks for linking up over at Giggles, Glitz & Glam! My husband would love these. I personally don't like mint, but he's fanatic!

  8. To Sew With Love says:

    OMG! I really wanna have this now… like now! I am a chocolated, fudge and OREO lover!!!

  9. I Love these I actually recently blogged about them too
    I too used mint oreo's way better that way! yours look so cute by the way!

  10. Naturally Me Creations says:

    These look tasty! Have never had minty muffin before! 🙂
    Tnx for linking up!

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