Recycled and Reused Team Roping Ropes

I’ve shared with you before that I am making rope vases for my wedding centerpieces.
But in honor of Earth Day tomorrow…
I want to re-share the idea with you… with a better explanation of how I actually make them.

First, check out this HUGE pile of old team roping ropes.

This is what becomes of them once they’ve reached the end of their useful life.
Before you would’ve seen them in use by this guy, my fiance…
Like this… He’s a heeler, and a  pretty awesome one if I do say so myself! 😉

But once his ropes have been used several times they become too soft and pliable to stand up as a heel rope and they get discarded to the retirement pile in the backyard.

Again, in honor of Earth day…
I’ve discovered several ways to recycle and reuse these poor old discarded ropes. One way, that I’ve been doing alot lately since our wedding is less than two months away…

Rope Vases!

To make a rope vase you need an old, unloved, past its prime rope.
The ones discarded by my fiance are perfect!
Since they’ve become soft that makes them easier to shape into something new and once again loveable!

I picked one out of the pile with a pink tint to it so my vase will look slightly pink as well.

First thing to do is cut off the strings at the end of the rope, right below the bottom knot.
The knot will be used to start the vase.

To make the vase, I use a wood burner to melt the rope to itself.
You can see I wear leather gloves to protect my hands from the heat of the wood burner.
I also put newspaper down to protect my work surface from drips, etc.

I start by coiling the rope around the end knot and melting it together, like so…

Continue coiling the rope around itself, melting as you go.
Once you have the base the size you want it to be you can start coiling upward to form the sides of the vase.
Now it’s up to you how your vase will be shaped.
It all depends on how you melt the rope as you go up.

Once I come to the end of my rope (no pun intended…haha), I simply hot glued the loop I left at the other end of the rope to the side of the vase for a fun look.

So that’s how those old, no longer loved retired team ropes become a once again loved rustic/western home decoration, or wedding centerpiece.
Recycled and reused!

I’m linking this up to these awesome linky parties! 
As well as the AMAZING linky parties on my

 Hope you’ll check them out and link up too!



  1. Those turned out really pretty! What an original idea.

  2. This is awesome Kassi! They are fabulous on their own, but I'm really in love with the story behind them.


  4. Wow, what a fun idea, I thought that you just formed a rope around a vase, I didn't realize you had to burn and shape as you went, you have skills girl!

  5. That is so cool! You are very clever!

  6. I love this idea!

  7. Aren't you clever? I love how this is pretty, recycled and has so much meaning for you and your honey. Fabulous!

  8. I love it! I bet they will look awesome as centerpieces! Amazing how something so simple (and tossed away) can be transformed into a statement maker! Good luck with your wedding!

  9. Oh wow! I've never seen something like this and I am so impressed! They are GORGEOUS! I love it so much!I'm new to your blog! I found you on FTLOB and can't wait to read more! Feel free to check out my blog as well!Simply Kate

  10. Kassi, that is gorgeous!!! I could see you selling those in an Etsy shop. :) Love the flower arrangement!Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. Happy Easter! :)

  11. I LOVE this! Very clever and personal!

  12. This is SO cute! I will definitely be putting this on my "to make" list! I am starting a Link Party this week "Inspire-me Monday" and I would love for you to link this up! Have a great week, Kassi! :)

  13. Those are flippin awesome! I love them! Such a fun way to reuse rope-and they will be super classy as wedding decorations. Love ya, and thanks for linking up to Making the World Cuter!hugs-Tiff

  14. Woot! I loved your vase so much I featured it on this week's Ten Buck Tuesday! Email me at youngnester(at)gmail(dot)com for the "I've been featured at Young Nester" button! Have a great week! :)

  15. you deserve a big ole Yee Haw for this awesome craft. Not only is an up-cycle craft but it uses items of sentimental vale. Love it! Thank you so much for posting at the beagle.

  16. Hey Kassi, Thanks again or linking up girl. I love how creative this is!!!Good job girl. I loved it so much I FEATURED you, I know you already saw that, he he.**Features from week #33 & #34** @ Bella Before and AfterThanks girl :)Hugs, Bella

  17. I was trying to find some of the other rope crafts you have done, but cannot find any but the vase. I have been honored by my Aunt giving me two of my Uncles ropes that he used but he has passed on now. I would like to make something for both of us to memorialize and honor him… Looking for ideas… thank you.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s awesome Kristi! I’ve made wreaths with ropes before. Here is a Christmas version, and a fall version, . I also made one with just flowers on top for a funeral. I glued a rope around the base of a lamp once. I don’t have a blog post on that, but you just hot glue it around. I’ve also made baskets much in the same way I made this rope vase. Hope you come up with something you’ll love!!!


  1. […] love this rope centerpiece idea from Truly Lovely. What a great way to repurpose old […]

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