Archives for July 2011

Fancy This Fridays #35

Today is my new sister-in-law’s birthday!!! 
I say new, but I’ve considered her a sister long before Mr. M and I were married a few weeks ago… :) She’s married to Mr. M’s brother. 

Happy Birthday Brianne!!!
Love ya!!!

Me and Brianne – Dress shopping for my wedding!
Time for Fancy This Fridays!!!
What have you all been up to this week???
We wanna see!

Fancy This Friday Rules:
1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

Hope you all had a lovely week!

P.S. Make sure you go say hello to this week’s Bloggie Bestie!!!

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Delaney of Sweet Tea Serendipity

Hello lovelies! Happy Thursday!!
Thursday means it’s time to meet another BLOGGIE BESTIE!!!
This week we would like to introduce you to the sweet 
Miss Delaney of Sweet Tea Serendipity. 
She has a FUN tie dye project to show you this week! 
It’s a great idea for all those college students preparing to go off to school this fall! Such a fun way to spice up your dorm room decor! :)

When you’re done here, I’m over at Delaney’s place guest posting as well! Hope you’ll pop over and say hello!

Here’s Delaney!!!

Thanks to Kassi for letting me be her bloggie bestie this week!  I truly love her blog & I hope y’all will enjoy my blog & the fun post I have for you today!

I’m in love with tie dying & have been for quite some time.  I just love the patterns, colors, everything about it.  It’s even better when I can do it at camp or with friends!  I recently won a giveaway from Midnight Mommy with a whole prize package of professional tie dying materials & I got to pick my three colors.  Needless to say, I was more than thrilled & when the package showed up from across the country less than a week later, I was even more excited.  The problem: what to tie dye first?  I have plenty of shirts, so that was out & my next brilliant idea: sheets for school.  So that’s what I did, I went to Walmart, bought some super comfy white jersey knit sheets & tie dyed them.  Since I’d never used this company’s dies before, I followed their directions to a t & I must say the sheets turned out fabulously!

The best part is I can do plenty of more projects because there is still a ton of dye left, so don’t be surprised if you see some more tie dye projects in the future!  

Thanks again to Kassi & I hope to get to know some of y’all over at my blog!

A SPECIAL thanks to Delaney for sharing her fun tie dyed sheets with us today and for being this week’s bloggie bestie! You’ll notice as the bloggie bestie, she gets her button in the sidebar all week… 
Over there on the left. And several shout outs through and !

Have a lovely day friends!

Easy Fleece Blanket Tutorial

Hey pretty friends! 
You might have seen this tutorial floating around blog land awhile back…. I hadn’t posted it here yet because it was a SECRET!!! Why a secret you ask?? Because I made these for my bridesmaid gifts for our wedding!!!
So today I’d like to share the tutorial for an easy fleece blanket that makes a great gift! Especially for a bridesmaid or two!
The materials needed are:
2 yards of fleece fabric
1 package of coordinating satin blanket binding
Coordinating yarn
Coordinating sewing thread
Yarn Needle
Sewing Machine
In this case I went with zebra fabric and all red coordinating materials.
First trim your fleece fabric of any uneven edges or those funky white labeled edges… You know what I’m talking about… :)
Then, using the Yarn Needle, stitch your thread down the two length sides of your fabric like so… I spaced each stitch about a half an inch apart…

Next you’ll pin and trim your satin binding to the two width sides (the two shorter sides)… The binding will have a fold down the middle, simply line that fold up with the edge of your fabric, making sure it’s centered so there’s an even amount of binding on both sides…

binding a blanket

Fold over the edges of the binding to make your four corners and pin those as well. You can either trim or fold the extra binding inside to make your corner.

pinning binding on a blanket

Once you have the binding pinned onto both sides, get out the sewing machine. I used red thread to match the binding…

If you sew really well, you can use a varying color of thread for added pop!!!
I don’t so much… SO matching thread hides my inexperienced sewing skills. :)
(I’m a little addicted to zebra print… can you tell?!?)

sewing binding

Simply sew the binding to the fleece pulling pins as you go.

And TaDA!!!! A SUPER EASY fleece blanket made by you!
They make great baby gifts, or gifts for friends or family!! :)
And most especially, GREAT Bridesmaid gifts!!!

zebra print blanket

You can see… I made six of these blankets, then each blanket was rolled up and tucked inside a personalized tote bag for each of my lovely bridesmaids for my wedding a few weeks ago!

personalized tote bags

For the personalized tote tutorial, you can . :)

Have a lovely rest of the week!

Happy Sewing!!!!

Granny’s Peanut Butter Cookies

My favorite cookies growing up were the Peanut Butter Cookies that my Granny made!
They were always SO yummy!!! 
Now that I’ve got my kitchen and most of the house pretty much settled, I’ve had a little more time for cooking and especially baking. I love to bake. Cooking, not so much…

I decided one day to make some peanut butter cookies and found a recipe in a cookbook I had that was VERY close to Granny’s Peanut Butter cookies! So, here it is for all to enjoy!

Granny’s Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1 cup white granulated sugar
1 egg lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of softened butter or margarine
1 pinch of salt

(And a glass of tea to sip on while baking of course 😉

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease two regular sized cookie sheets. 
(This recipe makes about 20 cookies)
2. Beat together peanut butter, sugar, and butter to cream. 
3. Add eggs and vanilla. Beat until mixed well. 
4. Sift together flour and baking soda then add gradually and mix well
5. Cover with wax paper or a tea towel and chill for about 30 minutes
(This helps the dough form into balls better for cookies)
6. Form dough into about 20 small balls and place on greased cookie sheets. 

Now for Granny’s special step…

7. Use a fork to press the dough down first one way, then turn to form a crisscross pattern. 
 If the dough is sticking to your fork too much, lightly grease it with a little butter. 

8. Stick in the oven and bake for 15 minutes or until brown. 

YUM! Serve from Granny’s cookie jar! 😉

Happy Tasty Tuesday!!!

Fancy This Features #34

Hello Dolls!!! Wow! Monday seems to have gotten away from me! 
I was sitting here realizing it was almost five o-clock… Then it hit me! Features! Bah!!!

We had over forty link ups this week! You ladies continue to impress me! :)
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit Truly Lovely to share your fancies!!!

Now for the features!!!

I am loving these made over end tables from Jenna of The Mommy Diaries!!
Check out the before and after!!!

Andrea of Oak Ridge Revival shared a collection of pillows she’s made!
Lovely!!! I have pillows all over my to do list! :)

AND check out this delicious breakfast casserole from Chrissy at For Mamas! It looks so easy! 
With stuff you probably have in your kitchen!!! 

Here’s a button for you featured lovelies! Hope you’ll share it on your blogs!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who linked up here at another week of Fancy This Fridays on Truly Lovely! 
Can’t wait to see what you share this week!!

Have a lovely week friends!!!

I am…

Want another sneaky peak wedding photo friends???
There’s one posted over at the I am more than just… blog today! 

Do you know Megan of Brassy Apple

We’ve featured some of her lovelies from the Fancy This Fridays link up before. 
Well, she has a new-ish blog where she is “sharing snapshots of women from all around the world”. 
Each month there’s a new theme. 
This month’s theme is ENJOYING SUMMER!

Click here to see how I am enjoying this summer! :)

Fancy This Fridays #34

What did you whip up this week lovelies?
Ginger of Ginger Snap crafts whipped up a SUPER easy but SUPER cute and shared it with us yesterday as the weekly Bloggie Bestie on Truly Lovely. Did you see it? So cute!

While she was doing that I shared a fun new website and ways to use it over on her blog, in case you missed it. Check that out here

Speaking of Guest Posts, I’m posting over on Amanda Lynne’s blog today! 
Hope you’ll pop over and check it out! 
It’s my take on being newly married!!!

Time to link up!!!

Fancy This Friday Rules:
1) Must be YOUR OWN project (we’ve had a few sharing other people’s stuff… That’s awesome, but we wanna see what YOU did!)
2) Must be linked to that project’s specific post within your blog,
not the blog itself
3) Grab our party button so others can party too!
4) Share some linky love with the other participants, by visiting and commenting on their projects as well! We ALL love comments!!
(And it would be SUPER COOL of you to say your stopping by from the Truly Lovely or Fancy This Fridays link up!)

Hope you all had a lovely week!

Tonight we are headed to an evening jackpot team roping then on to the BIG annual rodeo event business in my hometown. Should be lots of fun! 

Stay safe friends and enjoy your weekend!

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Ginger of Ginger Snap Crafts

Happy Thursday lovelies!!!
Today we have a fun NEW guest post from this week’s Bloggie Bestie, Ginger of Ginger Snap Crafts!!!
I’m posting over on her blog today as well, so when you’re done leaving Ginger some bloggie love, I’d love to see you over at Ginger Snap Crafts!!!

Here’s Ginger….

I’m a wife to one awesome guy
& mom to 5 wild & crazy kiddos.
I love to create things, blog, garden, decorate
& most of all be with my family.

I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years,
& I love keeping a journal of my family,

but I thought our family blog was
getting a little overrun with all my craftiness.
So, I decided it was time to part ways
& start my very own craft blog,
Ginger Snap Crafts. :)
It’s a place to share ideas I’ve found, &
inspire you to create along with me.

Today I’m going to show you how
to make these {cute & easy} burp cloths.
Just letting you know I don’t sew!
So if I can make these anyone can!

I made these for my sister,
& she just had another little girl.
{So, I’m an aunt again! Wahoo!}

 All you’ll need is some ribbon, thread, cloth diapers & a sewing machine.
Lay out your cloth diaper and measure two ribbons a little longer than the diaper.
You can always trim these later on. These will be sewn along each seam of your diaper.

Pin your ribbon down along the seams of your cloth diaper to hold it in place.
Now to the fun part, you get to crank up your sewing machine!
You’ll sew down one side, turn & then sew up the other side.
Trim your ribbon if you need to.
There you go!  All done!
{How easy is that?}
You can fold them up & stack them on top of each other.
I used some extra ribbon to tie a bow around them.
Added a cute tag & that was it! 
A {cute & easy} baby shower gift that you know will be used a bunch!

I’d love, love, love to have you stop by
Ginger Snap Crafts.
Each week I have a super fun link party called
{wow me} wednesday.
 Love to have you link up your fun projects & ideas.

 You can also check out my blog for some more {cute & easy} projects.
Like these fun
{teacher appreciation gifts}

or here’s another easy sewing project

or check out our bathroom rules

Ginger Snaps
Thank you, Kassi!
I had a wonderful time being a bloggie bestie with you!
Don’t forget to check out Kassi at
Ginger Snap Crafts today. 
{Hope to see you soon!}

Bridesmaid Tote Bags

To start my DIY wedding recaps, I’d like to share the gifts I made for my bridesmaids and hostess first.
SO… For part one of my bridesmaid gifts…
I made tote bags for each of my six bridesmaids and my hostess.
Remember my ?
I used the same method pretty much, except I added ribbon and rolled fabric rosettes!
Remember this post of ?
I started with plain black tote bags
(I got mine in packages of three from Hobby Lobby).
I used my Silhouette to cut each girls’ name out of vinyl to make a stencil.

personalized tote bag
I just cut around and then peeled the names off the vinyl sheet and stuck each one in the center of a tote.
Once they were stuck on well, I used a small paint brush to fill in the stencil with white paint.

painting a tote bag

I went with a black and white zebra theme with their bags.
I figured that might be something they’d be more likely to use over again than the wedding colors. That’s also the reason I didn’t add “Bridesmaid” or anything more specific than their name.
Once their names were dry (it took a few coats of the white paint to get it bright enough on the black totes), I hot glued a zebra ribbon around the top of each tote.
Each tote also got two fabric rosettes! Also hot glued.
To learn how I made those, .

zebra print tote bag, making a tote bag
Once the bags were all finished I stuff them with other goodies!!!
More to come on that soon! :)personalized tote bags
Well, what do you think?
I REALLY hope the girls liked them…. And that they can use them.
For something. 😉
Again, stay tuned for more posts about bridesmaid gifts and other recaps from our July 9th wedding! :)
P.S. Visit my wedding blog, My Road to Mrs to see what those CUTE little gift tags tied to each bag are all about!!!
A SPECIAL thanks to is in order!! 😉

Fancy This Features #33

Good Monday afternoon all!!! 
How was everyone’s weekend?? 
We went roping this weekend in Young, AZ! 
What a fun little place it is! You literally have to drive hours into the back mountains of Arizona on dirt roads, and all of the sudden here is this pretty little town! Amazing!

So… This last week we had some really fun links on Fancy This Fridays!!
Did you know we feature some of your lovelies on our Facebook page as well as this features post every week?? If you don’t already, you can to see those!! 

Now for this week’s features!!!

How fun is this Tween Dream Bedroom shared by Jenni at Kissed by a Frog! The headboard even lights up!! So fun!!!

Megan at Cut the Craft helped her friend make some AWESOME wedding favors!!! 
She even shares how you can (messily 😉 make some too! 

And finally, Jerri of Simply Sweet Home made this lovely Pinwheel and Burlap wreath!! 
Very pretty for summer!!

Thanks to all who shared their fancies with us this week!!! 
Can’t wait to see what you all come up with next time!! :) 

Here’s a featured button for you three ladies!! 
And if your project was featured on our , feel free to grab a featured button as well!


Have a lovely week friends!!!