Fancy This Features #47

Hey, hey lovelies!!! 
Another week!
And the last week before Halloween at that!! 

Before we get to the FUN features from  
(say that three times fast…)
Just wanted to let you all know that on Sunday, October 30th, I’m participating in this!!!
You should too! 😉

Now onto the features!!! 

First… Completely unrelated to Halloween and Fall, and all that… 
But completely AMAZING!!!
This lovely beach inspired bathroom makeover from 
Lynda at Something Created Everyday
Check out that suitcase shelf!! And the thrifted mirror is perfect for the space!!!

Another unrelated to Halloween and Fall… haha. 
But absolutely fantastic!!!
She’s a contestant in this season’s So You Think You’re Crafty and she has done an AMAZING job on ALL of her projects!!! 
Be sure to click here to vote
There’s only four contestants left!!! 

And finally…. Because it IS the week before Halloween… Couldn’t leave you without sharing some FUN Fall decorating ideas on the cheap! 
Summer at Made By Munchie’s Mama, decorated her office, but these ideas can be applied to any room in the house or at work!!! 

Thanks to ALL who linked up for this last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!! 😉 
Here’s a featured button for you lovelies mentioned above! 
We would be honored if you would share it with your readers!


Have a FABULOUS, FUN, FRIGHTENING, FANCY week before Halloween!!!

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  1. Kara @ Mine for the Making says:

    LOVE that piano!!!

  2. o my heck I LOVE THAT PIANO!!!

  3. I want a red piano, I want a red piano, I want a red piano. Thinking if I say it enough someone will hear me. Then give me one. Love this post.

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my Floating Suitcase Shelf. How exciting! I am honored. Thank you!!!

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