Biscuit Dough Donuts

Hello dolls!!! :)
Here’s another recipe I tried from a pin! 
You can see other Pinterest attempts , and . 
This one would make a GREAT breakfast for the kiddos while we’re all enjoying this holiday season by the way…
*wink wink*

Biscuit Dough Donuts

The pin, pinned from Hope Studios:

Source: via on

My attempt:

Ingredients needed:
1 can biscuits
Oil or Crisco
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp. vanilla

I used my handy little Fry Daddy instead of a pan like Jen used in my inspiration pin, but either will work!
Heat up the oil. 

While that’s heating up, I used a Gatorade lid to cut my donut holes. Jen has a few other recommendations in her post on things you could use. :)

Then carefully drop your donuts and donut holes into the hot grease.

See my helper? :) She thinks she needs to be at my feet all the time!
Makes for nice company while I’m cooking though. 😉

You can see the donuts will brown and sort of float on the surface once they’re done.

Then I ‘drained’ the grease from mine on a paper towel covered plate.

Mix up your glaze, carefully following the ingredients listed above!!!
I had just a smidge more powdered sugar left, so I just added it in… It threw the whole thing off!
Just follow the recipe on this one. 😉

Once the donuts have cooled enough to touch, dip them in your glaze.
Viola! Homemade Biscuit Dough Donuts! 
The hubs couldn’t even tell! 
He was impressed with my cooking skills until he realized it was biscuit dough….
Then he was still a little impressed. 😉

This Pinterest recipe = Win! :) And so yummy too! 

Happy Tasty Tuesday! :)


  1. really going to have to try these – donuts are the best!

  2. Andrea @ Keepin it Thrifty says:

    yummmmm these look so good—go look at my new post—this works out PERFECT!!!

  3. My mom used to make something like that for us when we were kids – this just brought back so many memories! Now I think I'll have to try it out myself :)

  4. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    I want one now!!!!! They looks delicious, totally making this during xmas break with the kiddos! And great tip to use a Gatorade lip to make the holes :)

  5. Jordan Marie @ says:

    awe.. my mommy use to make these for me when i was little. i have one vision of us cleaning the kitchen and the chairs were pulled into the living room while she mopped and we had those doughnuts.. the best ever!!


  6. Uh, I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard now. 😉

  7. Oooo YUM.. .. These Look really awesome. : )) I would LOVE if you could please stop in and linky this terrific feature via my Pin’Inspirational Party happening today pweease… .. THANK YOU SO MUCH.. Wishing you an incredible start to your weekend.. Sincerely ~ M

  8. Oh My Goodness! These look amazing!!! I love your little helper, btw! Is she a Border Collie?

  9. Angela Lynn says:

    Those look so yummy!
    I have to try this recipe soon :)

  10. I remember having these as a kid. Yours look great!

  11. adventuresindinner says:

    Oooo! I saw these too and am so glad that you tried them out. They look like a perfect Sunday treat.

    Thank-you so much for joining our Pin'Inspiration party. Would love for you to hop over and grab a button.

    Happy new follower.

  12. Jennifer Juniper says:

    Yay! You tried it – awesome! My kids are asking for these every weekend, I may have created a monster!

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