Biscuit Dough Donuts

Hello dolls!!! :)
Here’s another recipe I tried from a pin! 
You can see other Pinterest attempts , and . 
This one would make a GREAT breakfast for the kiddos while we’re all enjoying this holiday season by the way…
*wink wink*

Biscuit Dough Donuts

The pin, pinned from Hope Studios:

Source: via on

My attempt:

Ingredients needed:
1 can biscuits
Oil or Crisco
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp. vanilla

I used my handy little Fry Daddy instead of a pan like Jen used in my inspiration pin, but either will work!
Heat up the oil. 

While that’s heating up, I used a Gatorade lid to cut my donut holes. Jen has a few other recommendations in her post on things you could use. :)

Then carefully drop your donuts and donut holes into the hot grease.

See my helper? :) She thinks she needs to be at my feet all the time!
Makes for nice company while I’m cooking though. 😉

You can see the donuts will brown and sort of float on the surface once they’re done.

Then I ‘drained’ the grease from mine on a paper towel covered plate.

Mix up your glaze, carefully following the ingredients listed above!!!
I had just a smidge more powdered sugar left, so I just added it in… It threw the whole thing off!
Just follow the recipe on this one. 😉

Once the donuts have cooled enough to touch, dip them in your glaze.
Viola! Homemade Biscuit Dough Donuts! 
The hubs couldn’t even tell! 
He was impressed with my cooking skills until he realized it was biscuit dough….
Then he was still a little impressed. 😉

This Pinterest recipe = Win! :) And so yummy too! 

Happy Tasty Tuesday! :)

My Stashe Jar

Did you know, Miss too?
I’ve talked about before…
And we’ve shared some projects from my Pinterest like .
But today, how about a Kayli pinned project??
How fun is this that she pinned?
Our inspiration…
The end of a foam paint brush… 😉
Then I just stuck the mustashe on… Smoothed it out… And viola!
Kayli’s very own My Stache jar!
The pink matches her bedroom at college!!
I think she likes it. 😉
Happy crafting lovelies! And happy pinning!!!
By the way… a follow too! 😉
Linking this here and here and .
P.S. Linking this to The CSI Project as our Most Viewed project of 2011!

Pizza Quesadillas

We’ve talked about Pinterest ? I love it. 
But I have been really bad about pinning and pinning and never really doing anything about it. 
SO! I am making a real effort to actually do some of the fun ideas that I pin!

Take for example these tasty !
I got the idea from the lovely Miss Bella at Bella Before and After
I pinned that idea to my . 
And FINALLY I actually tried out that recipe… haha!

And it was quite tasty!

I made them one evening while our nephew was visiting. 
He’s 11.. So I thought they’d be right up his alley. 
That and we came home late from roping, so I needed something quick. 
Honestly, they were just as quick and easy as a plain ol’ cheese quesadilla, but offered a little something fun and different for dinner!

So thanks Bella, for the recipe! And thanks Pinterest for saving it so nicely for me until I actually got around to trying it out… :)

Happy Tasty Tuesday!

Can I just say… Pinterest Makes me Happy….

OK friends… If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet… 
Well, why the heck haven’t you!?!?
It is AWESOME!!!
Let me show you… 
Remember this little area that USED to be on our blog… 
 “Lovely Ideas We’re Dying to Try”
 Granted, it was an OK spot for keeping track of links for things that I found interesting and doable… BUT it also took up space on the sidebar and was a WHOLE lotta clutter-y looking space… 
And now it’s GONERS!!! Why you might ask… ‘Cause I finally went through and pinned all of the items there onto . 
They keep track of the ACTUAL link where it came from, without you having to go back and forth, copying and pasting links… 
Because we all know… 
The instructions of that awesome project/recipe/great idea that some lovely person did/had… do come in handy sometimes and we might actually wanna go over them again before attempting to re-create said person’s awesomeness.  :)

Pinterest is by invitation. So if you would like one, shoot me an email.
I’m pretty sure I still have a lot… If there is a limit… ?
Anyway, we’ll get you on board. :)
I have boards for Fun Wedding Ideas…

Things I’d like to Make…

And even an All About Kassi board!
Narcissistic much… 😉
Hope you’ll go check it out if you haven’t… 
And if you have one, if you , I promise to follow back! :) 

Have a great day! Off to pin some more loveliness! 😉
*Pinterest doesn’t know who I am or care I’m sure… I just think it’s a GREAT IDEA and wanted to share it with you guys!