Fancy This Fridays #49

YAY FRIDAY!!! This was a rough week peeps. 
I had the sickies almost all week. NOT even cool. 
Not the cough, sniffle sickies either. 
The stomach sickies. Blegh… 
But I am better now! And it’s almost the weekend! 
Whoot Whoot!


Moving on… 😉 
We’d like to welcome Ladybird Ln. who was the #2 commentor this last month! 
That means she gets a FREE ad space on Truly Lovely for the month of November!!! 
To find out the other top commentors, just scroll down and look on the sidebar on the left. 

And…. Since it is November and all stay tuned for a Sponsor Spotlight tomorrow sharing a little about those lovelies over there… On the left, under Truly Lovely Sponsors. Yep, those ones. :)

They rock, so if you can’t wait til tomorrow, just clickety click those lovely buttons to learn more. 


Did you know this month is our ONE YEAR Blogiversary!?! It is!!!
Any suggestions on how we should celebrate?? Anything at all? Do tell???
You got us here, what would you like to see!

Have you said hello to Miss Kelli of The Inspired Collection yet? She’s this week’s Bloggie Bestie!
And she is SUPER fun! You’ll wanna be friends, we promise! :)


OK! Onto the party!! What have you fancied up the last few days??? 
We wanna see!!! 

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Have a lovely Friday dolls!!!
See you back here tomorrow for a Sponsor Spotlight!


  1. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    Thanks for hosting Kassi! Hope you are feeling better now :)

  2. Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says:

    Bummer about beings sick–we're going through colds around here too.

  3. Jennifer Juniper says:

    It's a great idea to reward commenters! My spell check hates that word – I guess I made it up?

  4. Ladybird Ln says:

    So excited to be your second place commenter… I better pick up the pace! Have a great weekend!


  5. Thanks for hosting Kassi! Hope you feel better!

  6. How poop to have been feeling icky all week, hope your all better soon.

    Thanks for hosting, have a great weekend

  7. Hey! Thanks for hosting the party. I'm a new follower from I would love a follow back. I'm glad you are feeling better. Having the stomach sickies is THE absolute worst!

  8. hope you have a lovely weekend my friend :) Happy friday!

  9. glad you are feeling better :)

  10. Em @ And Nothing Else Matters says:

    Thanks so much for joining in on our Tag-Along Thursday blog hop. Em

  11. Kristine @ JandMs Eye Candy says:

    Boo!! Sickies suck! Sorry friend! Hope you are feeling better!! I need to craft something up so I can party and link up with you! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

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