Fancy This Fridays #52

Happy Day AFTER Thanksgiving lovelies! 😉
Or Happy Black Friday if you’re the shopping kind! haha. 
OR Happy FIRST Blogiversary!!
Oh.. wait… that’s US!!! 😉
Yesterday was the one YEAR anniversary of our very first blog post! :) 
It was also our parents’ wedding anniversary, so 

Our family – July 2011

I’m off enjoying time with my family, but here’s the link to the Fancy This Fridays party in the meantime! 😉

We always enjoy seeing what you’ve come up with over the last week!
There WILL be a features on Monday, so hope to see you back here for that!

Also, our Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway is still open! !

I am also participating in this GIVEAWAY starting today over at J&Ms Eye Candy
You can click over there for a chance to win a Scentsy Scent of the Month pack from me as well as a ton of other cool prizes!!!

I will be back later today with a fun wreath post as part of the Make It Merry series I announced awhile back. Hope to see you back here in awhile for that! :)

Until then, let’s see what you’ve been working on???

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Have a lovely Friday dolls!!!


  1. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  2. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  3. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  4. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  5. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  6. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  7. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  8. Olga@Stardust-Decor&Style says:

    You are so sweet girls! Just found your blog and linked up three of my projects (rooms makeovers). I'm your newest follower a new blogger as well. Would love to see you over at my place!

  9. Happy Blog-o-versary!! and happy anniverary to your mom and dad :)

  10. linking up for the first time, thanks!!

  11. Ami w/AliLilly says:

    PHEW!! I made it!! With just 55 minutes to spare! LOL!!


  1. says:

    […] favorite Etsy shop so I can check it out before making my decision! Now, onto the features from Fancy This Fridays Edition #52! Even with it being a holiday weekend we still managed to score 25 links!  First up… […]

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