500+ Followers Giveaway Celebration – Day 4 (and Fancy This #63)

Welcome back to another day of lovely giveaways!!! 
If you missed the first three days you can enter those by clicking here:
Last chance for a pretty button!!! *wink*

Today is our last giveaway day of our 500+ Follower Giveaway Celebration!!!
The winner of today’s prize pack will take home… 

A medium ad space and a 50% off code from Cassie at Live. Laugh. LOve

This lovely white pom necklace from Kristine at and The Foley Fam Blog!

A COMPLETE Blog Design from Alyx at Every Day is a New Adventure!!!

AND a SPECIAL CUSTOMIZED prize package from KASSI, put together just for the winner!!! 
Items may or may not include Scentsy, handmade pretties, etc… 
Depending on who wins and their own personal style!! :)

Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter this giveaway!
Giveaway will be open until February 24th. Winner announced February 25th!
Good luck and thanks for playing! :)

AND Fancy This Fridays is open BELOW the Rafflecopter form.. So link up your pretties for an EXTRA entry in the giveaway! *wink*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Kara @ Mine for the Making says:

    Well Im only entering if the huge coffee is included… just saying. 😉 Thanks for hosting! Linking up a recipe this week…hope thats okay, if not feel free to give it the X :)

  2. Hi! I just found your blog today. Thank you so much for hosting. I cannot wait to come back and visit some more.

    Amy {aprons & ambition}

  3. Jerri Rivers says:

    Thanks for hosting again Kassi and for all the giveaways! Have a good weekend!

  4. Angie Alford says:

    Soawesome thank you !!!!!!!

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