Fancy This Features #61!

Happy Monday afternoon! It’s Kayli! :) 
Let me start by saying, you guys are amazing. I went through the link ups and it took me forever to pick just a few, everything you made either looked super cute or super delicious! Here are some of my favorites.
The first is this adorable Argyle Valentine Wreath from Cassity at Remodelaholic! So easy, so cute and not over done. And homies, it’s ARGYLE. A-R-G-Y-L-E. Yeah. You cannot say no.
Carlee at Ladybird Ln. shared her idea for a Little Love Notes box. I love this because I’ve kept pretty much EVERY card and letter I’ve ever received. I have the first letter Kassi ever wrote me from college that I got when I was in like, fifth grade, and almost every note since then. We all have a stash right? It makes sense that you would come up with something to put them in- but I’d never thought of it until I saw this- and it’s genius. It’s also incredibly pretty. Bonus!
Last, but absolutely not least, are Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies from Allison at Feeding my Temple. Dude. (I say dude when something is either incredibly legit or I’m about to say something really important. Both apply here.) You get to use the box mix. You can decorate them anyway you want. They’re called CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX COOKIES. There is not a single word in there that isn’t awesome. I’m just throwing that out there. 

And that’s it! Here’s a button for you lovely ladies!
It links right back to THIS very post! 😉 


Also, on Wednesday I’m kicking off my 
***Ten Weeks of Thanks Project*** 
The topic is Physical Abilities and you can get the details .
I really hope you’ll check it out. 
If you’re planning on joining me, take a button! :)

I hope you have an amazing week and that I see you all on Wednesday.


  1. Thank you so much for the feature!!!

  2. Ok i want some of those cookies 😛

  3. That argyle wreath is sooo cute!

  4. Ladybird Ln says:

    Thank you so much for the feature Kayli! Great picks, I want to make those cookies, and that argyle wreath is so darling! Have a great week!


  5. Red Rose Alley says:

    Those cookies look so yummy. I wish I had a couple to go with my tea right now.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

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