Fancy This Features #63

Happy Monday lovelies!!!
We have a HUGE announcement we’d like to share with you today… 
We have started the move to WordPress!!!
We are working with the very lovely Sara of Lady Jane Designs and can’t wait to get everything moved over!!

That said… You’ve probably heard that Google Friend Connect will be no more for non-Blogger blogs starting in March… We’d love for you to follow us in some other form so you won’t lose Truly Lovely once we make the move… Options to follow include:

Via Email:

Enter your email address:

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Follow me on Hellocotton

<——- There’s also Linky Followers, on our sidebar… Or any of these options. :)

So… we are excited to make this blogging transition and hope you’ll be there with us! :)

NOW! Onto the features from Fancy This Fridays #63!!!

How ADORABLE are these baby boots from Rose at A Rosie Sweet Home!?! 
She even made her own pattern!!! SO CUTE!!!

We ADORE this pantry makeover from Ashley at Domestic Imperfection
You’ll want to click over to see all the usable space she came up with!!! 
Just look at that awesome before and after!!!

We barely got a McAlister’s right before I finished my grad program and had to move… But I enjoyed it while I could and the tortilla soup was one of my favorites!!! This recipe from Donna at Loopy Loop Creations is sure to remind me how yummy it was!!! 

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you lovely ladies mentioned above. 
Also, if you were featured over on the , please grab a button!!!


Thanks for linking lovelies and thanks in advance for choosing to stick with us as we make this big blogging move!!! :) We are SO grateful for those of you that choose to read and follow along with Truly Lovely! 
It’s because of you that we have decided to continue to try to grow this blog the best we know how!!!
So again, thanks!!!

By the way, our 500+ Follower Giveaway Celebration is STILL OPEN for entries!!! All the !


  1. Ashley @ Domestic Imperfection says:

    Thanks so much for the feature! I'm excited about your move to wordpress and want to hear all the details…I've been thinking about it for awhile and may not be far behind you.

  2. Moving to wordpress sounds so scary to me…I don't know why! Good luck to you & of course, I'll be following along. Can't wait to see your new look! :)

  3. I'd love to reorganize my pantry like that- looks awesome!

    And congrats on the wordpress move!

  4. Now I'm following you on Linky too..nice to see you again. Lori

  5. Hi there I'm your new follower on Linky. I'd love if your can follow me too

    Witha @

  6. wordpress eh?? i've thought about wordpress a time or two myself, but never made the transition. let me know how it goes & i may decide to move as well..

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