Happy New Year!!!!


We hope this New Year is the best one you’ve had yet!!!


From our family to yours! 😉

New Year Blessings all around!

Pen Pal Exchange

Did you ever have a pen pal when you were growing up? Someone you exchanged letters, cards or postcards with? I know I did as a young girl and it was something I’ve always remembered and wanted to do again! We all get crap mail most of the time so wouldn’t it be fun to have something exciting to look forward to getting besides all those bills, flyers and grocery ads?! We think so!

Chrissy from A Lil Dash of Diva and I have teamed up to bring you a Pen Pal Exchange!

The Rules:

You must send your Pen Pal a letter, card or postcard at least once per month during the exchange period

This is meant to be a letter, card or postcard exchange only. There are no packages and min/max amount of cash to spend. If you want to send a small trinket to your Pen Pal that is totally up to your discretion but it is not a requirement or even a suggestion.

If you have a child who would like a pen pal, please let us know and we will do our best to pair them up with another child to partner with for the exchange.

The exchange period will last 3 months at a time. Our hope is that you will connect with your Pen Pal and make a new friendship that will blossom and grow over time. You are encouraged to connect through following your pen pals blog, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media you’d like. You can exchange texts and emails too if you’d like but none of these are required to participate!

*If this first round goes well, we will be continuing with another round with new PenPal partners.
*Please help us spread the word about the PenPal exchange!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Our little secret….

So… I’ve been keeping a secret. A little tiny one. The secret has slowly been leaking out. Well… slowly depending on who we told… A little more quickly thanks to a few over zealous friends… 😉

Maybe you’ve noticed our blog posts aren’t as frequent here. Or that I’ve been spending a little less time on Twitter and Facebook and what not… Well, I think my little secret is a pretty good reason.

I posted the photos on my personal Facebook earlier, so really, all that’s left to tell is you, my bloggie buddies. Honestly, I am just as excited to share with you lovelies as I have been people I know in real life!!!

cowgirl baby announcement

That’s right peeps… Mommy’s (Kassi), Daddy’s (Nate) and Baby Mortensen!!! :) Our little secret is due July 2013!!!

Our family is growing and we are so, so excited!!!

country baby announcement

Fancy This Fridays #88 and a Coffee Date

Hey pretties! Happy Friday!!! 

We’ve been crazy busy around these parts… lots going on and lots to look forward to!
Today we’d like to share a few things with you before getting into this week’s party….

So… we’re joining this lovely for her Coffee Date link up to share a few fun announcements. 😉

If we were to sit down for a cup of coffee (I’ll take mine with a little York Peppermint Creamer… Kayli would probably be sipping on lemonade) the first thing I’d mention would be this little teaser you might have seen on ….

Kayli and I have been working hard and we are finally ready to announce that we will be opening our very own Etsy shop!!! You dolls will be the first to know when our Grand Opening will happen, but for now just know that it’s coming soon. :) It’s been a dream of ours to make our own handmade items and share them with you pretties for a really long time… Finally, it looks like that dream is going to come true!!!

If we were having a coffee this morning I’d tell you that we are so excited to open up shop and share our fancies with our friends. We are nervously awaiting the reception of these products that we’ve been pouring our hearts into and really hope they are received well.

The next thing I’d talk about just so happens to be another dream of mine coming true. :) I am going to be working from home soon! These are my final weeks of working from my little cubicle….

I have been praying for a long time about a change and unexpectedly (isn’t that the way our Heavenly Father usually plays things), a change has occurred. I’ve been stressed lately working out the details and waiting to hear about a few things, but I’ve got to say I’m ready! Kayli and I have already spent an evening moving everything out of my craft room/office/catch all space and painted… Three colors this time. 😉 So expect a post on my made over home office/craft space at some point. This afternoon the hubs and I are going to see about purchasing a desk… an actual desk, with drawers and work space. So I’m excited about that!

If we were to meet for coffee today I’d tell you that my little brother is getting married next weekend! Kayli and I have been helping our soon to be sister in law with the details and it’s going to be lovely! :) So get this… Kayli took their engagement photos with… HER I-PHONE!!! And they came out beautiful!!! Here’s one of my favorites…

I’ve got a talented sister in case you didn’t know. 😉

While we are sipping our coffee together today I’d definitely talk about the baby shower I’m planning for one of my best friends. I am SO SO excited with how things are coming together… I’d also ask if you know anyone who makes custom baby books? I need one for a little cowboy. 😉

If we were to sit down to coffee today, what would you be drinking?? What would you like to share with me?? I’d love to know what’s going in your life!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Blog Angel Reveal!!

Hi there lovelies!!! 

So… remember this post in the middle of June? Where I talked about being a blog angel for someone and having one in return? (Update: Just found out our angel was Linda of Two Succulent Sisters! Thanks doll!!!)
At the time I was having trouble thinking of things to do without giving it away (i.e. my partner finding out I was their angel…). Well, since then I threw all caution to the wind and just went for it!!!

Allow me to introduce you to my recipient.

Tico and Tina!!! 

 They are the funnest couple! Together they make up Tico and Tina,  and they’re working on their Blank Canvas Tour. Click each of the links to read more. You’ll want to, I promise!!!

So… Ways that I helped them… Like I said in my last post, Tico and Tina were a hard site to help at first.
They really have their stuff together! So… to start with I went through and followed/liked all of their social media blogs, etc. And there is a lot! These guys are EVERYWHERE! Then, I sent an email to the friends that commented on the midway post and asked that they all follow them.  Turns out a lot of them already did, because well, these guys are awesome. 😉

Then… I joined in their IRLO (In Real Live/Online) Mashup Race. Go TEAM COFFEE!!! Whoot! You’ll see some more stuff about that later. Our team was late to the game, but we’re going at it full force now!

 Then… I volunteered to help out with their Blank Canvas Tour! You are now talking to the HEAD OF HR!!!
Speaking of which, if you have already committed to be a street team member would you mind shooting me an email of your blog, your location and what not? 😉 Thanks! OR if you’d like to join the street team, check out this link!

And just for good measure I joined with Mrs. White to create a new blog award for those blogs spreading inspiration around blog land… Guess who was one of our awardees…? 😉 Yep, Tico & Tina!

I really hope I have been a good blog angel for you guys, Tico and Tina!! It’s been a real pleasure trying to help spread your ideas and purpose!  I look forward to continuing as a team member and bloggie friend! :) SO lucky to have been assigned to be your blog angel!

Borrowing an idea from Miss Lena of Mom2MemphisandRuby, I’d like to wrap up my month as your blog angel with a FREE XL ad space for July! 😉 I’ll shoot you an email asap!

Oh, and tell me… Did you know it was me? 😉

Have a lovely rest of your week dolls!!!

The Modern Muse Award

Hey there dolls!
Today we’d like to share a little something fun with you!

Do you know Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife? She’s one of our newest bloggie friends!
We’ve joined together and decided to spread some positive support around blog land!!! To do so we created a BRAND NEW blog award of sorts.

Modern Muse Award

The Modern Muse award is for those blogs that are continually working to share inspiration throughout blog land!
Be it through tutorials, how tos, featuring other bloggers, consistently commenting, etc…

Each of these fun blogs is continually showing support for other bloggers including us here at Truly Lovely!!!

Today we’d like to award The Modern Muse to…. 

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

 Tico and Tina of The Beauty of One

 Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure

 Megan of and here’s to you Mrs. Robinson

THANKS for being a POSITIVE inspiration to us and your other followers/readers/friends!!!!

So, the entire point is to keep the support and POSITIVE rolling!
Here’s where YOU come in!
First, please click over and check out the blogs we’ve awarded above… say Congrats and share some encouragement with them! 😉  Then click here to visit Mrs. White’s post to see who she awarded The Modern Muse award and share a little encouragement around with her awardees.

By now you will have spread encouragement and inspiration to over eight new blogs!
BUT you’re not finished yet….

Grab a button above and share The Modern Muse award with at least FOUR of your most supportive and encouraging bloggie buddies! To those we’ve awarded, we would love if you would be able to participate as well.
With this award there’s no need to share random facts, do weird posts, etc… Just grab a button and pass it on to someone that you feel deserves to be acknowledged for their happiness in this blog world of ours.

Let’s spread a little LOVE and SUPPORT around blog land, eh peeps! :)

And go!

{Closed!} Sittin’ in the Sun Summer Package Exchange!

So… as promised earlier… We have a little something FUN for you today!
Along with the lovely Breanna of Counting Blessings, we are co-hosting a Summer Package Exchange!!!
Who doesn’t love getting a little something fun in the mail, all while making a new friend in the process!!!
So… we introduce to you… 



How it works: 

1. Sign up using the form below.
2. Breanna and I will match you with a partner.
3. Contact your partner and say hello! (This is not a secret exchange! It’s a get to know a new friend exchange! So email, tweet, FB, etc… Make a new friend!!!)
4. Send your partner their Summer Goodies.
5. Link-up and share your Goodies with all of us!

(The spending limit for this exchange is between $15 and $20 before Shipping Costs.)


 Dates to Remember:

Monday, June 25th: Begin signing up!
Monday, July 9th: Deadline to sign up.
Week of July 9th: We’ll contact you with your partner.
Friday, July 20th: Please have your packages mailed by this date!
Friday, August 3rd: Come back and link-up your Goodies!


Before signing up, please be sure to be following both Counting Blessings and …that’s it! :)


Oh, and if you’d like to help us spread the word…grab the image above with the code we’ve provided and place it on your blog! If you’d like, feel free to share the link with your blog friends an invite for them to sign up!
The more the merrier!

If for some reason the form is not appearing below this text,  to access the form directly through Google Docs! If you are able to fill out the form directly from this blog post, be sure to scroll the whole way to the bottom when you submit! There are a few questions that you’ll need to scroll for :)

If you have any questions just let us know in the comments below!

Fancy This Fridays 78


So before we get to this week’s Fancy This Fridays party here’s a few things to know before you go!

The JUNIEblake giveaway has ended! Stay tuned for the winner announcement here in a few hours!
You can watch for it on our and pages!

Speaking of giveaways, the winner of a Free Large Ad Space on Truly Lovely for June is Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure! Thanks for all the comments sweet friend!
The Top Commentators widget shown in the right side of our blog footer resets at the beginning of every month. Maybe June’s winner could be YOU!! 😉

I shared the how to on a stenciled throw pillow over at Making the World Cuter yesterday if you’re interested. 😉

fabric painted throw pillows, western home decor

TODAY I am sharing a fun tote idea for the kiddos as part of Brassy Apple’s SOS series!

And since we’re welcoming in JUNE today, we have a WHOLE new lineup of sponsors over there on our sidebar!
We’d like to welcome Laura of Our Reflection, Lena of Mom to Memphis and Ruby, Lindsay of Little Mudpies, Meghan of They Call her Meghan four BRAND NEW sponsors joining the Truly Lovely family for the first time! :)

Now onto the party…

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! :) Have a lovely weekend!!!


Some Sponsorship Updates

Hey there lovelies!!

We are now accepting sponsorship on Truly Lovely for the month of June.
Spaces have already begun filling up, so be sure to get yours before they’re gone!

We just want to give you all a heads up that we have revamped our sponsorship a tiny bit. We now have four spaces available: Extra Large, Large, Medium and Small.

The brand new small ad spaces are meant for button ad swaps. Although if you prefer not to swap you can still purchase a small space as well. These small ad swaps are for those wanting to trade ONLY ad space. They do not include any features or perks other than awesome real estate on the Truly Lovely sidebar, of course. 😉

We work really hard to promote our paying ad sponsors and have found that some lovelies prefer to swap only ad space.
In short, that’s why we created that spot. We want to give prime real estate to those that purchase our ads, but we still love swapping to make new friends!

Contact me at kassi (at) trulylovelyblog.com for a FREE swap code if you’re interested in swapping only ad space or if you have any other sponsorship questions!

As always ads can be purchased through this link. You can also view our recently updated stats at that link as well!

Have a lovely week friends!

OH, and don’t forget to enter our current giveaway for 250 Business Cards!

Fancy This Fridays 70

Hey pretties! Aren’t you so glad it’s FRIDAY! I am! :) And Easter weekend to boot!

Since you’re here, I have a little announcement….

You’re looking at the NEW Crafts Contributor on Making the World Cuter!!!
I have my own Bio Page and EVERYTHING!!! :)
So excited! I want to take a second and say thank you to Tiff…
Thank you for choosing me to be a part of your team! You’re the best!!!

My first crafty post went up yesterday!! If you have a moment or two, I would love a visit there. It’s a fun Easter Centerpiece that you can whip out this evening and have ready for your Easter dinner table!

Also new and exciting in my life… Instagram is NOW available for ANDROID!!! WHOOT!
I feel like I’ve been waiting forever… Haha! Really though… I read somewhere that it’s like finally being invited to sit with the cool kids! 😉

Want to be Instagram friends? My username is Kassarie. You can also find Kayli at KayliRayli!

Well, that’s all the fun announcements for today. 😉 What have you been up to this week??
We would LOVE to see what you’ve fancied up this Good Friday!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! We hope you have a fun and family filled Easter holiday!!!