Ten Weeks of Thanks- An Announcement

Happy Wednesday from Kayli! 
I wanted to announce a little bit of a project today.
I’ve been inspired by a really fantastic church lesson. We were given ten topics and asked to write something that fell under them that we’re grateful for. At the end, we were encouraged to expand our lists. I’m a firm believer in counting my blessings and being aware of what I’ve been given. It’s something I need to work on though. I’m so blessed, but with all the hustle and go of school and life, I often forget just how good I have it. Don’t we all? 
Don’t we all lose sight of how amazing our lives really are and how much there is to be thankful for? 
Source: zulily.com Via on
We tend to remember our blessings around Thanksgiving time and the holidays- but the holiday season has come to an end; our New Years Resolutions are getting hard to keep or we’ve completely dropped them and life is so stressful. We forget.
So here’s the plan: Every Wednesday (starting this coming Wednesday, the 8th) for ten weeks, I’ll be taking an area or topic from the activity and talking about 5 things and/or people within it that I am grateful for and why. 
 I want to expand my list and count my blessings.

Here’s where you come in! Every Wednesday, you’ll have an opportunity to link up YOUR lists. I’ll give you the first topic today and you’ll link it up on the 8th- then next Wednesday I’ll give you the next topic and so on. I’m taking a little bit of a risk here, I’ve never done anything like this- so I really hope you’ll join me!
The topic for the 8th is PHYSICAL ABILITIES.
What are five (or more/less if you want) physical abilities that you are grateful for? Why are you grateful for them?
Your list can be made of whatever comes to mind. 
Big things, small everyday things, something that maybe you haven’t thought of as a blessing before. It’s up to you! The point is to really think about how much you’ve been given and maybe put a little perspective on all the crazy that’s your everyday. Life is good and full of beautiful things, let’s name a few. :)
Source: via on
I hope I’ll see you next week! 


  1. Kayli, i think this a great idea!! i will be joining up with you!! thanks for sharing!

  2. great idea, so nice to stop and list what we are grateful for:)))

  3. I really love this idea – I'll definitely be joining you :) We just lost my grandpa yesterday and I could definitely stand to remind myself how much I have been blessed with, even in hard times.

  4. Ami w/AliLilly says:

    Kayli….this is a wonderful idea. I'll definitely join you. I'll put the word out too. I think this is a great idea. :)

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