Sponsor Spotlight – Jaimie of Legos in my Pocket

It’s KAYLI’s Birthday Month!!!
Our LOVELY sponsors have all pitched in…
Each lovely lady has a little something (either an item from their shop or a specific blog post) they’ve specifically picked out just for her!
It’s a virtual/imaginary birthday party if you will… 😉
First up to share their virtual present for Kayli is….

Our NEWEST large ad sponsor!!!
Just as our other AMAZING sponsors will be sharing throughout the month of March… She has a special birthday wish for Kayli today! :)

The special surprise birthday cupcakes… 

Don’t they look beautiful and yummy!?! :) 
Kayli would be a very lucky girl to receive those! 
*Click the photo to see the full recipe!

Jaimie just started a Bucket List Challenge over at her place… She’s challenging YOU to write your bucket list, link it up to her linky party… then get started living!!! 
I’ve already linked my page to her party… Won’t you join us!?! :)

Jaimie also has a photography blog where she shares beautiful photos that she’s taken, called Pocket Memories
A few of my favorite photos from her site are shown below… 
Take your cue from Jaimie today friends… SMILE! 😉
Um… EVER!!! 😉 Love ya Kayli!!!


  1. Life In The Thrifty Lane says:

    Happy Birthday Kayli!!!!And is nice to meet Jaimie :)

  2. An Irish Italian Blessing says:

    Aww HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! I'm gonna link up my bucket list too, fun!

  3. I'm so happy to be a part of the sponsor team! HAPPY bday KAYLI!! ;D


  1. says:

    […] to choose a post or little something from their site/shop they thought Kayli might like?!? {Jamie, Group Feature 1, Bethani… You can also click on the Contact/Advertise page to see the drop […]

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