Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Megan of Absolute Mommy

Hello lovelies! We’d like to introduce you to a brand new Bloggie Bestie today!

Megan of Absolute Mommy!


She’s also a small ad sponsor of Truly Lovely this month, so it would be great if you’d click over and get to know her! :) She has a fun tutorial to share today!!! I’m over at her place as we speak sharing my Week Seven in Kayli’s Ten Weeks of Thanks series! :) Hope you’ll pop over and check it out!

Here’s Megan!!

Hi I’m Megan otherwise known as Absolute Mommy.  I like to blog about everything.  Nothing is off limits.  So you will find some mama stuff, some life stuff, some possible fashion stuff, and some crafty business.  If you get the chance visit me some time.  I’d love to meet you.
Today I’m here with some crafty business.  Let me start by saying, I am not a good tutorial person.  I hate taking pictures.  Scratch that, I think my camera hates me… Also I’m a fly by the seat of my pants crafter.  I love to craft, but have more fails than I would like to admit.  Thanks to Pinterest, I have board and likes filled with crafts I dream about.  I also have a stock pile of crafting supplies that just sit in no mans land.  Yep, I’m a craft supply hoarder!  So now a days, when I see something on Pinterest, I challenge myself to make it with stuff I already have.
Let me introduce you to these lovely bracelets:

Pinned Image
Pinterest/Hellojenny/the pin market
Can be found at HenryHappened

Aren’t they the cutest?  Well I was bound and determined to make these, but knew if I went to Michael’s to get the cord required, I’d spend a million dollars on other crafting supplies that would go to the craft supply cemetery… See where this is going?  So I challenged myself to use what I already had.  Like embroidery floss, chillin’ all by it’s lonesome thanks to an abandoned embroidery project.

Here is what I came up with… Not as cute as the originals, but I like them…

Old Tshirt cut into strips
Embroidery floss/yarn/cord/ribbon
whatever you have will work like a charm
Glue Gun
Xtra Large safety pin
To get started cut your tshirt strips into 12-14″ long strips.
You will need three.
Then repeat that process with the embroidery floss.
You will also need three.
Line your pieces up, and use a scrap to tie the top.
You will be braiding these,
each tshirt strip will be paired with a piece of embroidery floss.

It should start to look like this.
You may need to realign your floss with your shirt scrap.
It helps with the braided effect.

Once braided they should look like this.

Cut your ends, so that it looks like a little knot.

Then using another small scrap,
lay the ends together.
Make sure this bracelet fits to your liking first.
Then take your trusty glue gun,
and glue the ends together.
Next wrap the scrap over the ends to finish them off.

Once wrapped, add more glue, and fold over.
Cut any excess fabric.

And that’s it.
A nice and easy t-shirt bracelet that will take you all of 10 minutes.
Seriously, they were that easy.
This would be a great project for tweens at a slumber party.
Well, the tween in me thinks so!
Thanks to Kassi for having me over today!  If you are missing her something awful, go check her out at my bloggy.  We are swapping spots today!!

Thanks SO much to Megan for swapping with me today! And being this week’s Bloggie Bestie!
Hope you lovelies have a nice Thursday!!! Oh, and enter our ! 😉


  1. LOVE the tutorial! I’ll def have to try these too!! Thanks for sharing ladies!! XOXO

  2. Nadir@StitchSense says:

    Sweet! What a great craft for a girls night or something! :-)

    • That is a good idea!! It would be one of those crafts you could gather the supplies for several people for a decent price! 😉

      • What an excellent idea! I was also thinking for slumber parties. I mean the glue gun might be dangerous for the 8-12 set, but with mom help it would be fun!

  3. How fun are those? I think I need a couple!

  4. Kassi-
    Just wanted to let you know I linked this up with Kristine at The Foley Fam’s Sunday Funday!
    I hope you get some blog love from that linky party!


  1. says:

    […] digging this simple wall monogram from Jackie at Saltbox House 5. It looks great on her wall or on her mantel, don’t you […]

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