{FOOD} Ten Weeks of Thanks: Week 9

Guys! It’s almost the end of my 10 week journey!

But it’s not over yet… (: So let’s talk about one of my favorite things EVER. Food.

Ahh glorious food. Here’s the thing, I’m a food kind of gal. Whatever I’m doing, unless it’s just something super exciting- I’d probably rather be baking. That’s something I inherited from my Granny- who was really who taught me almost everything I know about cooking. She showed me how to fry chicken and taught me how to rise dinner rolls. So I’m grateful for food because of that. Because it’s close to my heart. Because cooking is what has always brought our family together at the table. I’m grateful for farmers and ranchers, who grow and raise our food. I’m grateful food supports so many people, not just by sustaining them physically but by providing them with work. I’m grateful for it because nothing says “I’m sorry I was jerk face… my bad,” quite like a dozen cookies. That’s why I love food. It makes people happy. End of story.

Here are a couple of my favorite things to make and the links to them. (:

Next week is the FINAL week!!! The topic for next week is FAITH. What about your faith are you grateful for? Why?

Happy Wednesday friends! (: And happy eating!



  1. That smores in a pan thing looks amazing! Is it just graham cracker/choc/cracker then marshmellow? Awesome post, I have a love hate relationship with food, but overall, yes agreed! So very thankful for food, and good food :)

    • It tastes like it looks! (; And pretty much. The link is right above the picture. (: Food is the best!

  2. I’ve always heard food brings people together. :) Don’t know what I’d do without your homemade mac and cheese… Just sayin’….

  3. Great post!! That strawberry shortcake looks amazing! Thank you for linking up with me again! :)


  1. Granny’s Wedding Quilts says:

    […] you what an amazing woman our Granny was? I’m sure we’ve told you about how she taught us to bake (both of us), to love to send and receive letters, how to grow things, to embroidery, how to sew […]

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