Sponsor Spotlight – Bethani of Cheers, Bethani {Giveaway!}

Hey dolls! Happy Tuesday!!! 

 We interrupt your normally scheduled programming, {Did you see my ? It posted earlier today.} for a last week of April Surprise GIVEAWAY and a Sponsor spotlight!!!

Speaking of giveaways… you have a few more days to get entered in our !

Meet Bethani of Cheers, Bethani!! We’re sharing her spotlight today because she’s offering TWO MEDIUM AD SPACES on her blog for the month of MAY!
We wanted to get the giveaway started so you’d have a week to enter, then the winners will be announced May 1st and you’ll have the ad for the entire month!!! Whoot!!! That’s right, I said winners! There will be TWO!!!!

Bethani and her hubs just moved into their first home!!! Her shop is currently on vacation, but you can check out all the progress as they clean up and decorate their first place over on her blog.
She also shares delicious recipes,  life according to her Iphone Betty (awesome name, right!?) and fun posts about things she’s into (digging that pallet garden she shared!).

When asked what her favorite thing is about spring, she replied, “There are so many reasons why I love spring!! Too many to name actually, but here’s a few.  The weather being number one of course.  The perfect blue skies and warm weather on the skin is always great, especially when I get to wear a cute pair of open toed shoes..  Also love the smells… fresh cut grass & blooming flowers, herbs and everything in between…. And as crazy as it sounds, the rain showers…  Sitting inside (preferably under the covers at home) while the rain showers everything outside makes for a perfect spring sunday.  As long as severe weather (like tornadoes) are not included of course!!”

Again, two winners for a medium ad space on Cheers, Bethani will be announced on May 1st!
Enter using the Rafflecopter form below, and good luck!

Have a lovely rest of your week friends!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hello! I love your blog! I am coming over from Irish Italian Blessings!

  2. Loving your blog! I’m a new follower

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