It’s been a long time coming…

We’ve re-branded!!!! We started Truly Lovely back in November of 2010. We have loved it here. We have thrived here. But after blogging for so long under the Truly Lovely name it’s starting to feel less and less like us.


It’s been a long time coming, a long time planning and scheming, but we’ve decided to take our brand and move it to a new space. Kassarie & Kayliray. It’s us, just us, as we are. What we love, who we love.

We are going to keep Truly Lovely active so our old posts, pins from our old content, etc will still be available to us and you guys, but from now on we won’t be blogging here… We hope you’ll move with us. We’d REALLY hate to lose any of our longtime blogging friends. We love you guys!

Flowers for the Win!!!

What lady wouldn’t love to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers especially for her sent all the way from South America!?! Yep, I can’t think of a single one… Featured in US Weekly, Oprah’s WOW List, Forbes Magazine and more, The Bouqs is a website where you can choose a beautiful floral bouquet, have it shipped where ever you’d like for FREE and really make someone’s day, week, etc. 😉

The Bouqs Floral Bouquets

Pretty pink roses arrived on my doorstep after I chose the Desperado bouquet to review. You guys, I made the mistake of having it set where I needed to sign for the roses for them to be delivered… I was gone from my house for like an hour tops and of course, FedEx came… SO as it turned out my roses were even delivered a DAY LATE! Via, no fault of anyone but my own. So I was worried they’d be droopy and less than vibrant when I opened the box. BUT THEY WEREN’T! A day late and still beautiful!

The Bouqs Company Review

Just in case you were wondering, they come shipped in a cardboard box, wrapped in brown packing paper and plastic and they include a special little packet of stuff (not sure what it is exactly) to keep the roses moist so they look amazing when they arrive.

The Bouqs Review

There are instructions included on the box that tell you exactly how to fix your bouquet to get the longest life. I followed the instructions to the t and my roses lived for well over a full week! In fact, as you can see in the photo below taken four days after the roses were delivered, they had opened and were looking even prettier than they did on the day they were delivered!

Send a Bouquet for free shipping

My experience with ordering from The Bouq’s Company website was pleasant. The hardest part was literally choosing which of their beautiful floral bouquets to get. You choose the bouquet, the size, the date you’d like it delivered and that’s basically it. The whole thing can take about five minutes!

The Bouqs Rose Close Up

So yep, for that next special occasion or just to say hey, thinking of you, I definitely recommend The Bouq’s!

What are your favorite flowers to receive?

Disclosure: I received a bouquet from The Bouq’s Company in exchange for my honest review and opinion. As always the thoughts shared here are 100% my own. This post includes affiliate links.

Kayli’s 20 Wishes Progress- August

August is already here and gone. What. Or more accurately- WUT. School is back and this is my progress.

My February updates are in pink.

My March updates are in green.

My April updates in purple.

May updates are in blue.

June updates are in orange.

August updates are in red.

1. Buy a pair of TOMS.

Done! And they’re adorable!TOMS

2. Take a cake decorating or chocolatier class. Or both.

3. Get a pink or purple streak in my hair.

I did it. I actually and truly did it! I did a purple and pink ombre section. I just figured that if I’m not gonna do it at this point in my life, then when AM I? It’s faded out already, but I have pictures! :)streak

4. Go to Julienne Jewelery.

5. Reread Harry Potter.

6. Donate Blood.

I did it! Our campus was doing a blood drive last week and I walked by the bus a million times before I talked myself into it. It was a super cool experience though. The people on the sidewalk cheered for me when I told them I wanted to donate, and then the people on the bus were INCREDIBLY nice. They were playing good music, I got to just sit and hang out, it was pretty painless, and then they gave me a Gatorade, a bag of chips, and a t-shirt. One of my best friends, Sonia, met me outside of the bus with a muffin. I felt like a champ all day. haha

7. Switch my phone to Spanish for a full week.

8. Pay for a stranger’s order in the drive-thru.

9. Try archery.

10. Paint something. Anything!

Guys- I’m all set to start a brand new portrait this Friday and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ll let you know how it goes.

I did it! I painted a portrait of my grandparents, entered it in our county fair and I even won a ribbon. Hallelujah.

11. Upgrade my phone.

12. Go out frequently with the girls, specifically to a Karaoke night at some point.

Doing good! No karaoke yet but we’ve done dinner a couple of times so we’re getting somewhere! :)

We’ve done ice cream and dinner recently. Not doing too shabby for being so busy!

13. UPDATE: Go to General Conference in Salt Lake City. (I kind of like where I live. You can see the wish I replaced here.)

Did this too! My roommate and I took a day out of the week and road tripped it. It was probably the coolest trip EVER. So many memories, so much fun. I’ll never ever forget it. Here are some pictures of that adventure!

photo 2

The beauty of Temple Square gets me EVERY TIME.

photo 4

THIS was a dream come true! :)

14. Read The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

Started this! Hopefully I’ll finish it by summer!

So I DID finish “A Study in Scarlet” but that’s as far as I’ve gone.

15. Go to Graham’s.

16. Do the Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour.

Did this! We went in January and it was a blast! (As always)

Katie and I Color Run

Katie left, Me right
We party hard.

17. Set up and go on at least one double date. They’re so fun!

I went on a double earlier this month and it was awesome. Seriously though. But I’ll leave this uncrossed for now.

18. Start a letter album for Klara.

19. Finish my quilt top.

Getting to this- summer is a wonderful thing.

Ummmm I did not do this. haha! But I’m gonna try to do it over the next semester. We’ll see (:

20. Learn how to play Poker.

Not a lot, but I’m working on it! I can’t wait to see how your own wishes are coming along- and if you have yet to make a list, you still have time!


Back to School Must-Haves

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Brita. All opinions are 100% mine.


It's that time of year again- where we all buy new packets of pencils and notebooks and head back to school.

For some of us, the must haves are things like erasers and craft glue and crayons (Um, hands up over here y'all. Coloring is underrated.) But as a college student, my must haves are a little different. When I was a freshman I had no idea what I was doing or what I needed. I bought about a million notebooks, I bought all of my books before classes started (that's a huge no-no) and I spent more money on groceries than was really necessary. But I'm not a freshman anymore and if the last few years have prepared me for anything –you know, besides graduating and eventually moving into a professional career– it's what I do and do not need to start the school year right. So here's a list of some of my college MUST HAVES for back to school.


A planner

Laugh if you want, but when you totally space on study group because you're six seasons into your latest show and don't know what day it is anymore, don't blame me! You need a planner. You NEED one. It'll help you remember all of the things you need to get done and will make sure you divide time more wisely, fun stuff included.

Good Pens

You might not be the kind of student that takes a lot of notes, and that's fine, but when you DO take notes it helps to have pens you enjoy writing with. Also, you're not in high school anymore. Pencils are obviously the better choice for math, but as a college student it just doesn't look incredibly great to be signing things or turning free-write assignments in that aren't in pen.

Pocket Folders

As a freshman, I purchased a separate one-subject notebook for every class thinking it would help me stay organized. It didn't. In fact, all of that paper and all of those notebooks caused me MORE trouble.  I would end up in algebra with my Spanish notebook, or I would write English notes in my algebra notebook, or I would stick a handout in my notebook and it would slip out and be lost and by the end of the semester I had a ton of notebooks with a TON of empty and unused pages. Pocket folders give you a place to put all of the handouts and assignments you acquire for each class while taking up a LOT less room. Use one or two notebooks that are more than one subject and you'll save yourself space, money, and time looking for lost pages. An added bonus is saving a little paper. Yay for not being wasteful!

A Brita®

Speaking of trying to save space, money, time, and the environment. I love my Brita®. When I started college and bought groceries, I would buy one or two cases of bottled water. It's not terribly expensive, but over time the cost of bottled water REALLY adds up. Really. If you're drinking the amount of water you need in a day, you're going through a lot of bottles, which means a lot of cases. A few dollars every few days turns into a lot of dollars over time. To make it worse, those water bottles took up a lot of room. The case in the floor, full bottles in the fridge, empty bottles in the trash can. That adds up too especially in tiny dorm rooms, and it's not incredibly efficient or environmentally friendly. But just like I did with my textbooks and notebooks, I wised up. My first roommate and I both loved our Brita® pitcher. It takes up a lot less room than bottles, and over time, it's a lot cheaper.  I pour the filtered water into a portable cup and take it with me. With the Brita® pitcher, I drink more water because one: it tastes much better than the stuff that comes just straight from the tap and two: I'm not worried about using all of my bottles before I can get back to the grocery store.

photo 1 (2)

My roommate loves the water bottles for the same reasons with the added bonus of being able to take clean water on the run and filling up on campus. And you can pick up your own with no hassle at all,Brita® is available at Target.

Going back to school is bittersweet, and leaving home for college can be difficult, but it's a lot easier when you have the supplies you need to keep you on task and healthy. What's on YOUR must-have list for back to school?

So tell me- what's on YOUR back to school must-have list?

Fancy This Fridays #187 and Features

Sorry about the late start today everyone! But better late than never, right? So here we are!

I know it’s officially August which means that soon I’m going to have to give in to fall and being back to school, but as far as I’m concerned summer is still totally in session and I’m not letting go yet! With that in mind, here are this week’s features! :)

It’s not too late to come up with a summer bucket list! In fact, the shortened time might just motivate you to get everything checked off before the rush of fall. Sarah, a contributor on Thrifty Northwest Mom, is sharing a fun printable and some great bucket list ideas. So fun, and a great way to end the season!

Bucket List

While you’re at it, add this super fun Giant Outdoor Waterbed from  Charlene at My Frugal Adventures to that bucket list. DIY for the win and so fun!

Water Bed

After you’re done playing outside, whip up some of these Copycat Klondike Bars with a recipe from Jordyn of Almost Supermom. I love Copycat recipes because it puts you in control and these look SUPER delicious!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us! Happy Friday!

Milky Way Young Women Handout (Free Printable)

Happy summer, friends! It’s Kayli!

As you may have gathered, Kassi and I are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Kassi is currently involved with Young Women, and while I’m actually involved with Relief Society, when I’m home for summer I usually get to help out a little with Girl’s Camp. This year I was asked to help with pillow treats. Every morning we leave a fun little something for the girls to find on their pillows. I decided chocolate is a safe bet so I went with Milky Ways and put together a cute little handout to go with the candy bar.

I printed them and then attached them with twine. So cute, right?!

Truly Lovely YW Handout 2

The theme for camp was “Mission Possible” and I used the scripture 1 Nephi 3:7 which I thought was fitting. This would be great for lessons on setting goals or overcoming trials as well and is totally applicable for all ages, so if you teach Primary or Relief Society they still work.

Truly Lovely YW Handout

 I thought I’d share this printable with all of you for your own Girl’s Camp or class-teaching adventures.

You can download and print it using the link below.

Truly Lovely Milky Way Handout

It’s totally free, I just ask that if someone likes it and asks where you got it that you tell them you found it here and point them our direction.

And if you do use it, I’d love to hear how!


Fancy This Fridays #185 and Features

Happy Friday friends!!! So the content here as of late has been lacking… Sorry for that! I’ve been busy with work and taking care of my girl and miss Kayli has a summer job as a waitress. But hopefully things will calm down for us after July. Hopefully. Until then, thanks for sticking with us!!! We love ya for it!

Here are the features from last week’s Fancy This 184. Many of the links from last week were yummy recipes… so here are the three that immediately caught my eye! 😉

First up, Bekki at Domestic Mommyhood shared her recipe for Cookie Dough Fudge with Chocolate Chips and Pecans… Sounds AMAZING!


Next, this Strawberry Poke Cake from Jessica at Swanky Recipes is the perfect summer cake!!! Yum!!

Strawberry Poke Cake -

And finally, Maisy from Becoming Alice shared several ice cream recipes. The peppermint ice cream is calling my name!!!

peppermint ice cream

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #184 and Features

Hey there lovelies!! Another week gone already! In case you missed it I shared all about my #TLCVox Box from Influenster this week!

So now on to the features from last week’s Fancy This #183 party!

This week our theme is family fun activities you can do with the kiddos this summer!

First up, Kendra from A Proverbs 31 Wife shared a list of her Top 10 Family Activities for Cheap Family Fun. She’s got some fun ideas here you’ll want to check out when the kids start throwing that BORED word around… 😉


Next up, learn a fun Giant Bubbles Recipe from Stephanie at Spaceships and Laser Beams! GIANT bubbles… enough said.


And finally, you could plan a trip to the zoo! Amy from Some of the Best Things in Life are Mistakes shared her Ten Tips for Planning a Trip to the Zoo. Her post even includes some handy printables!



Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Fancy This Fridays #182 and Features

Good morning, everyone! It’s Kayli! Sorry for this late appearance. My summer semester ended yesterday so to celebrate the REAL start of summer break I may or may not have been sleeping in….. heavy on the may. 😉

In case you missed it, this is Twenty Wishes week!!! Tuesday I shared my progress, and Wednesday was the link up to share yours! It’s still open to anyone who might like to join! Just for sharing your list you can be entered to win a FREE ad space from our girl Chrissy at The Brave Wanderer! Speaking of giveaways we’re a part of the All American Half Bathroom Giveaway, so click over and get in on all of that. :) In the meantime, let’s get to features!

You know how the 4th comes around and all of the sudden you have a social life and you’re expected to have a salad and dessert for every event you go to? (Potlucks=social life. There’s food and there’s usually a lot of people. That’s legit.) It’s usually the same old stuff, right? Well Ann from A Girl in Paradise has a Tortellini Pasta Salad Recipe that is NOT the same old stuff. Artichokes and Dijon mustard are involved people. Dijon. It looks awesome and it’s sure to wow everyone who gets a spoonful. (Or two…. or six.)


Next up is a super fun craft! Bekki from Domestic Mommyhood shares a tutorial for how to Make Your Own Fortune Cookies Out of Paper. These would be perfect for little gifts, or for sharing love notes, or for events like girls camp with handouts…. They’re really fun. And seriously, just look at them. Totes adorbs. Supes Cute…… K, I’m done. 😉




And our third and final feature for the week is a DIY Olive Oil Sugar Scrub from Living Frugal with Erika. It’s summer y’all. That means shorts and higher sleeves and sandals. Which means those legs you haven’t shaved in 5 months are about to be on display. Yikes. This is the perfect solution for pretty summer skin! And it’s easy and would make a super quick but completely useful and fun gift!!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for the three ladies mentioned above! We hope you snatch it up and share it on your blog. Also, don’t forget that if you’re featured, your post gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Kayli’s 20 Wishes Progress- May

So I know that it’s June, but this is still technically May’s Progress… (:

My February updates are in pink.

My March updates are in green.

My April updates in purple.

May updates are in blue.

1. Buy a pair of TOMS.

Done! And they’re adorable!TOMS

2. Take a cake decorating or chocolatier class. Or both.

3. Get a pink or purple streak in my hair.

I did it. I actually and truly did it! I did a purple and pink ombre section. I just figured that if I’m not gonna do it at this point in my life, then when AM I? It’s faded out already, but I have pictures! :)streak

4. Go to Julienne Jewelery.

5. Reread Harry Potter.

6. Donate Blood.

I did it! Our campus was doing a blood drive last week and I walked by the bus a million times before I talked myself into it. It was a super cool experience though. The people on the sidewalk cheered for me when I told them I wanted to donate, and then the people on the bus were INCREDIBLY nice. They were playing good music, I got to just sit and hang out, it was pretty painless, and then they gave me a Gatorade, a bag of chips, and a t-shirt. One of my best friends, Sonia, met me outside of the bus with a muffin. I felt like a champ all day. haha

7. Switch my phone to Spanish for a full week.

8. Pay for a stranger’s order in the drive-thru.

9. Try archery.

10. Paint something. Anything!

11. Upgrade my phone.

12. Go out frequently with the girls, specifically to a Karaoke night at some point.

Doing good! No karaoke yet but we’ve done dinner a couple of times so we’re getting somewhere! :)

We’ve done ice cream and dinner recently. Not doing too shabby for being so busy!

13. UPDATE: Go to General Conference in Salt Lake City. (I kind of like where I live. You can see the wish I replaced here.)

Did this too! My roommate and I took a day out of the week and road tripped it. It was probably the coolest trip EVER. So many memories, so much fun. I’ll never ever forget it. Here are some pictures of that adventure!

photo 2

The beauty of Temple Square gets me EVERY TIME.

photo 4

THIS was a dream come true! :)

14. Read The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

Started this! Hopefully I’ll finish it by summer!

15. Go to Graham’s.

16. Do the Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour.

Did this! We went in January and it was a blast! (As always)

Katie and I Color Run

Katie left, Me right
We party hard.

17. Set up and go on at least one double date. They’re so fun!

I went on a double earlier this month and it was awesome. Seriously though. But I’ll leave this uncrossed for now.

18. Start a letter album for Klara.

19. Finish my quilt top.

20. Learn how to play Poker.

So that’s one more off of the list! If you haven’t joined us yet, you still have time! (:
