Living Room Before and After

Hello there friends! 
So remember how we had that discussion about not judging one another when it took the other a really long time to post a project that they’d mentioned um, a really long time ago…. No? Was that just me?

Oh, well… Moving on. Welcome to my newly made over living area!!!

Before the makeover this area looked like this!

(Obviously I took that picture around October sometime…) 😉

And NOW that area looks like this!

How about another before…..

And another after…

Really all it took was an entire weekend of Kayli and I painting and painting and painting and…. You get it.
For real though… If Kayli wouldn’t have sacrificed her whole weekend to help me paint this sucker, I’d probably still be there!! There is nothing more fun than painting with your sister though! We had a great time laughing and sending in progress photos on our . 😉

The paint color we ended up with was Whispering Wheat by Glidden.
(We cracked ourselves up calling it Whhhhispering Whhhheat all weekend…) If you can’t tell the difference in the before paint and after in the photos above, you can really see it here. It was one of those colors that once it dried just looked like it had belonged there all along. :)
The sort of creamy buttery color adds a warmth to the rooms that just wasn’t there before, and I love it!

After that all it took was some curtain hanging, changing up of wall hangings and moving a few little things around!

(View of the other side of the room.)

I’ll be back later with more on the curtains and the mantel. But so far, what do you think??
I wish the photos could portray how much more like a home it feels. Our home.

A fresh coat of paint really refreshes and brightens up a room. Also, I’m thinking it needs a few more pops of color. Maybe turquoise. What do you think?

Happy decorating lovelies!

 Linking this here and here and . AND to Thrifty Decor Chick’s Before & After Party!


  1. YES! On the turquoise!!! I love it now too, though!

  2. Such a fun redo! I’m so excited to have you as a sponsor this month, friend!

  3. Nadir@StitchSense says:

    Yay! I love a fresh coat of paint! Looks great!

  4. Love your curtains!

  5. Painting is definitely better with a good sister :) Love how warm and comfy your space is! But I always vote for more turquoise. Good work girls!

  6. I love it, I think your curtains are the most dramatic change, they look great and really warm up your space!


  7. I love it! I’m looking for a color for my bedroom – how was the coverage on the Glidden paint?

    • I felt like it covered really well. We only did one coat! My walls are sort of textured, so you had to make sure you filled in all the little ‘holes’, but other than that it worked really well.

  8. Great makeover! I am going to paint my kitchen this weekend : )

    • Thanks Lauren! Good luck with your kitchen! Hopefully you’ll share a picture of the after, yes?

  9. oh how i love the curtains! they make the room look so much more spacious!

    • Thank you Sandy! I agree!! It really elongates that wall! So excited to have won a sponsorship with you this month!

  10. looks great! New Follower! Can’t wait to catch up on your posts :)

  11. It look great with a fresh coat of paint, some pops of colour would be fun!

  12. Oh, it does look more “homey”, a little more modern. It looks really good!

    • Thank you Kendra! It’s so much more comfortable now that we can block the light whenever we want! :)

  13. What a difference some paint can make. :) It would have been so much fun. I love painting the walls.

  14. I definitely love your living room! I love the earthy colors. thanks for sharing, girl! have a fab weekend!

  15. I LOVE this color! We went with Tawny Birch in our condo, but they are very similar. It is amazing how a slight color change can totally change the feel of a room. Good job!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      It really is!?! You wouldn’t know that color hadn’t been there all along now… It’s like it always belonged! Thanks Malory!!


  1. […] Wrap Up May 9, 2012 Leave a Comment Did you miss the first two posts on my living room makeover? Here I talked about the before and after and here I talked about those really long curtains! Today let’s talk about everything else I […]

  2. Fall Ribbon Candles says:

    […] Ones that were already a part of my living room decor actually. You might remember them from my living room makeover. That’s what makes the glue dots so useful… Once fall is over you can just remove the […]

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