Fancy This Features #80

Hi friends, Kayli here! I hope your Father’s Day Weekend was as fun as ours! Kassi came up with a nice little crowd and we got to visit and eat and play. It was pretty much wonderful. The link ups this week were also pretty wonderful! Here are some of my favorites:

Miss Connie from Path to Wellness shared this Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin recipe that looks AMAZING. I love muffins guys. I think they’re incredibly underrated and might even go so far to say that I’d take a good muffin over a cupcake any day. Yeah. I went there. {Shhhh…If you’re really quiet you can hear jaws hitting floors for miles.} Bonus? These have a healthy twist that keeps carb guilt to a minimum. (:  

banana chocolate chip muffin recipe

Next are these completely adorable Musical Fairy Wands by Victoria at vixenMade. Dudes. These are so stinking cute and they remind me of how much I loved ribbon wands when I was little. They’re a perfect little craft for summer!!

fairy wand tutorial

And to mix things up… here’s Kassi’s favorite from the link up this week… Kassi here -> So Kayli has been trying to get me to try Fruit Pizza for months! This recipe from Melanie at Bear Rabbit Bear looks and sounds delicious! Ok, Kayli… I’m sold! 😉

Here’s a featured button for you ladies mentioned above! If you were feature on our or pages over the weekend, we’d love if you grabbed a button as well!

Have a happy week lovelies!!!

OH! And be sure to enter our June Sponsor Group Giveaway! Lots of AWESOMEnESS up for grabs! 🙂



  1. Victoria says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my fairy wands. That is exactly what I was thinking when I made them! I loved those ribbon wands. Have an awesome week!!

  2. Mmm! That fruit pizza looks yummy!!

  3. thank you for featuring my banana chocolate chip muffins! 🙂

  4. I’m gonna need some more muffin tins if I keep pinning yummy looking muffins!

  5. Fruit Pizza is the Best!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      That’s what I keep hearing! Guess I’d better try it then…. haha. 🙂