Patriotic Firework Cake

Hey dolls! Sorry so late with the post today… We had two yesterday since we announced the Sittin’ in the Sun Summer Package exchange, (have you joined yet?), so I’m a little behind today!

Do you realize Independence Day is next week! Yes! Already!

 Here’s a delicious and patriotic 4th of July Firework cake to help you celebrate!

Firework cake

To make this fun firework cake you only need a few ingredients. 
White cake mix and all the fixings called for on the box (eggs, water, oil {or apple sauce})
Red and blue sprinkles
Two round cake pans
White icing

making a 4th of July cake

 Mix up the cake mix like normal, then pour half the mix into each of your round cake pans. Add red sprinkles to one of the cake mix filled pans and blue sprinkles to the other.
Stir the sprinkles around so they spread throughout the mix. The color will probably bleed, that’s ok!

making a red white and blue cake

Bake according to the cake mix instructions. Allow your two cakes to cool just for a minute, admire the firework quality they already have… 😉 then turn them out onto a plate to cool the rest of the way.
Turning them out before they’ve cooled completely works the best, FYI… don’t wait too long!

patriotic cake recipe

 Once they’ve cooled, completely, stack and then ice in the white icing. Sprinkle some red and blue sprinkles on top. More in the center and less on the edges makes a nice firework affect… just sayin’… 😉

patriotic cake

Cut yourself and a friend a slice of delicious patriotic firework cake!
Again, admire the fun firework affect in the middle and eat up!

4th of July cake

Thanks for baking with me today lovelies! :)

Do you have any special Independence Day traditions?
Any patriotic treats on your menu this coming week?

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !


  1. Britney says:

    Yah!! 4th of July!! Awesome cake, I will probably have to make one, and then sit on my balcony and eat the whole thing by myself and imagine that there are fireworks in the sky 😉 Happy 4th ladies!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Aw sad…. I kinda feel like sending you one of those chain emails that has the flashing firework graphic… haha. Sorry friend! Make the cake! It’ll make you feel better! 😉

  2. Mixing the sprinkles in looks like so much fun. I may make a Christmas in July one because I still have a million red and green sprinkles.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      You should!!! Than share a pic for Alyx’s Christmas in July party! 😉


  4. So simple and so cute! LOVE this! THanks for sharing!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks Cari! It was a hit in our house! :) Hope you had a Happy 4th!!!

  5. Yummy cake! Happy 4th!

  6. What a fun cake idea. Thank you…Glad I popped in!


  1. […] if you’re looking for a fun dessert to serve alongside this cute centerpiece, I made a fun Patriotic Firework Cake that would be […]

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