Playing catch up…

Oh man… can I just take a second to catch my breath… K, cool. Thanks for that. 😉
Needless to say I’m feeling a tad bit frazzled at the moment!
Lots of biznatch going down  over here. Just got off the phone from getting Internet ordered up at my casa. Would you believe a blogger WITHOUT Internet at her very own house? Yup, nice to meet you. That would be me.  We may have been um… borrowing Internet from the in laws for the last few months… It’s ok! I had the password and permission and everything! 😉 But now that I’ll be working via the Internet from home, Internet is pretty much a necessity.

Speaking of working from home soon… I used this painting tip from Allison at House of Hepworths to finish painting my home office.

Source: via on


Kayli and I worked on it a couple weekends ago, but the seams (where two colors were meeting) needed a little attention…  The tip worked like a charm and I now have nice, straight lines of varying colors… :)

Instagram pic – Follow me at @Kassarie


Also going on right now is another stint as an angel. 😉 You guys know I’m an angel all the time, right? But specifically I’m a blog angel again for August! You can read about my first blog angel experience here.

 This time around I received a sweet, new blog to help out. SO, it’s been a little bit easier thinking of things to do for my new friend. Things like commenting on her blog, sharing her site through my social media. My next plan is to do a little write up of the specific thing she asked for in her sign up information and send it via Rosie.

I think I’ll also offer her an ad space for September once the blog angel reveal comes around. Like I did for Tico & Tina… By the way have you checked out their site lately? They’re rocking their BlankCanvas Tour right now! 😉


Let’s see… what else can I randomly share in this random catch up post…. the list never ends, does it. 😉
Kayli is working away on some more cute items for our Etsy shop. Right now we’re stuck on the name. We sort of had one picked out, but would like to combine it with another venture we’re hoping to pursue in the near future. We’d like to create an encompassing brand is it were. A name for all our adventures to fit under. Right now we’ve sort of narrowed the search area down to something with our Nana’s name… The name of the town where we’re from… and having a sort of country/rustic-y spin… Ok, so that doesn’t really narrow it down much, but you get the idea, right!? 😉

So, if a few words were to pop into your mind that described Kayli and I what might they be?? We’re accepting any and all suggestions at this point in hopes of making a name combination that (a) describes us and (b) isn’t already taken!


And just because this is a catch up, share all kind of post, we’d love for you to click over and meet these sweet chicks. And this lovely lady. There’s a FABULOUS giveaway coming your way on Saturday by the way! Hope to see you back here then… And well, all the time really. We just love seeing your comments and knowing that for a few minutes you were here visiting us. 😉

Have a happy rest of your Wednesday pretty friends! I’m off to catch up on everything else on my to do list…


  1. Hmmmm, not to put another idea in your head for a shop name, but what is your main nationality? I know two sisters who opened an event planning company and they named it Soistra, which means ‘sisters’ in Polish. I’ve always thought that was super cute!

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      So, we actually considered that a little… There’s a store in my hometown that has a name for sisters in another language… Only thing is most of those names have already been taken… :( Thanks for the idea friend!!! What else ya got? 😉

  2. Love the randomness lol, And why couldn’t your blog name be your shop name as well?
    There is no question as to the fact that you will sell lovely things :)

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Thanks! Glad to see someone appreciates it! 😉 Well, although we love our blog name, for our upcoming venture, it doesn’t really fit. It could work as a shop name as well, but we’re trying to tie EVERYTHING together if that makes sense…. And thanks so much! We hope they all turn out lovely! :)

  3. Haha, I love all of the random things in this post.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      Haha!!! Good! :) There’s just a whole lot of random sauce stuff happening here lately… Thought everyone might enjoy being caught up… 😉

  4. Y’all have a LOT going on!! How fun! I’m in a similar dilemma with a business name right now, too — it’s HARD when you’re trying to think a little broader than your current venture. Good luck!
    xo Heidi

  5. WHAT? All this time you didn’t have internet! OH EM GEE! And girl, I feel you! Busy is BUSY!!!

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