Fancy This Features #96

Hello there lovelies!!!
First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all our fun loving Canadian buddies today!!!
And if you have today off for Columbus Day… You lucky duck… I’m at work today and Kayli is at school… so live it up for us too huh?!

You guys… I had the BEST weekend! I got to see the family and do all kinds of fun stuff!
Kayli and I have posts planned for days from just this weekend!!

But because it’s Monday… That means it FANCY THIS FEATURES day!!! :)
Thanks to all the sweets who linked with us on Friday!

Here’s my top picks from Fancy This Fridays #96!!!

Mandy of Sugar Bee Crafts shared her Ruffled Maxi Dress Tutorial… I LOVE that dress!!! Thanks for the instructions Mandy, but it would rock if you could just whip up another for me, mmkay? 😉

It is October… so have you started decorating for Halloween yet? I have and I really want to make those cute monster boxes in Amanda of It’s a Fabulous Life’s Halloween display! Too cute, right!?!

And to wrap up this week’s features… How stinking cute is this Little One Embroidery Hoop from Amanda at The Little Giggler!?! I love to embroidery, and this is a cute modern way to use those talents!

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you three ladies!

Don’t forget, every feature from our Fancy This Fridays parties gets pinned to our Pinterest board!

OH! And while we’re reminding you of fun things… Don’t forget to enter Kassi’s Big Birthday Giveaway Bash! Only three more days to enter to win SIXTEEN different prizes!!!

Have a lovely week friends!!!


  1. Thanks for featuring my Halloween Display! :) Love the other features!!

  2. Fun features!! Love that dress, maybe one day I’ll be able to do more than sew a straight line :)

  3. thanks for the feature!!

  4. Amanda @ The Little Giggler says:

    Thank you so much for the feature ladies!! xo

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